Iron Man (1968 series) #109 synopsis by
T Vernon
In the aftermath of the Midas debacle, Tony Stark arrives at his demolished plant and chews out Iron Man, an act that is surprising to everyone who knows Tony IS Iron Man. Shellhead thanks his allies for coming to his rescue in the previous issues and they leave, the Golden Avenger first promising he would oversee training for Jack of Hearts. He then takes Madame Masque into his office where he reveals that the newly arrived Tony is a Life Model Decoy created for just such an emergency. Outside, SHIELD scientists are examining the Growing Man, trying to determine where it came from. They have Jack power the Scanalyzer but the fledgling hero’s energy burns out the device. Not to worry, Jack was able to immediately process the data received and declares that the monster came from the moon….
Iron Man and Jack of Hearts fly to the moon in a borrowed Quinjet but a shrill noise pierces their brains, causing the craft to crash-land. First surprise: there is oxygen on the moon. Second surprise: the Soviet superheroes are there—Crimson Dynamo, Darkstar, and Vanguard—to investigate a giant egg-like structure. Each group suspects the other of concealing info and when Iron Man spots Crimson Dynamo he explodes with wrath against the murderer of his beloved Janice Cord (in issue #22). There ensues an all-out brawl between the two teams that ends when Darkstar reveals that this Crimson Dynamo has a new man in the suit and is not the same one that killed Janice. Making peace the heroes all investigate the egg together. The structure emits the piercing whine again and Shellhead and Jack fly through an entrance that suddenly appears—and they are apparently disintegrated….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Eddie March, Guardsman (
Michael O'Brien), Jean DeWolff, Tony Stark LMD, Wraith (
Brian DeWolff).
EnemiesPlus: Crimson Dynamo (
Dmitri Bukharin), Growing Man (