Iron Man (1968 series) #110 synopsis by
T Vernon
Having entered the mysterious giant egg-like structure on the moon, Iron Man and Jack of Hearts discover they have been teleported to a Rigellian spaceship. They are immediately encased in plasma particles but they break free and give battle to the alien warriors. Facing defeat, the Rigellians call out the Punisher—the robot guard once owned by Galactus and the two heroes are powerless to defeat it. Only a command from the alien leader Arcturus brings the now one-sided battle to a halt. The leader reveals they are the lead ship of a colonizer fleet preparing to conquer Wundagore II….
Back on the moon, the Soviet heroes report to their superior who is meeting with Tony Stark (actually an LMD) to coordinate a joint investigation of the mysterious alien egg….
Back on the Rigellian ship, Iron Man and Jack of Hearts are being scanned and their data entered into the knowledge banks of the invaders’ computers. Suddenly the ship is attacked and the colonizers lose all interest in the Earth heroes; the Knight of Wundagore are attacking the fleet to save their homeworld….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Crimson Dynamo (
Dmitri Bukharin), Tony Stark LMD.
Knights of Wundagore, New Men, Punisher (Galactus).