Iron Man (1968 series) #59 synopsis by
T Vernon
Tony Stark receives a telephone call from a psychiatrist telling him that Marianne Rodgers had been committed to an asylum and that it is unlikely she will overcome her psychoses. Tony blames himself for her condition and smashes his desk out of frustration and guilt. Outside Pepper and Happy Hogan are arguing over her upcoming business trip to Detroit (he doesn’t want her to leave him for so long).
Elsewhere (a few days earlier), Roxanne Gilbert discovers that her radical brother Gary is the supervillain Firebrand. Gary explains how Iron Man was responsible for their father’s death (issue #48) and he escaped from the police and is now seeking revenge. The pacifist Roxanne expresses disapproval as he upgrades his high-tech costume to prepare for a return bout with Iron Man….
Thus Tony and Pepper arrive in Detroit, called by Roxanne Gilbert to oversee a stock purchase. It’s a trap set by Firebrand who holds Pepper hostage while Tony goes to summon Iron Man. Firebrand meets the hero in a cemetery and orders him into an open grave then blasts it closed, burying Iron Man alive. But Shellhead tunnels under the ground and comes up behind the villain and the battle is joined. Firebrand’s upgraded weaponry is matched by the cryogenic freezing unit Tony has installed in his armor and Iron Man get the upper hand. His exo-skeleton destroyed Firebrand turns the force of his blasters on Iron Man but Roxanne, trying to stop her fanatical brother, hurls herself in the way and is critically injured. Iron Man punches out the villain and, as the police arrive, rushes Roxanne to the hospital
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Roxanne Gilbert.
Firebrand (Gary Gilbert).