Thor is revealed to be the traitor in the League of Realms via a parasite slipped into his drink many months earlier. As Malekith is about to slay the Thunder God, the other Leagues members—Sir Ivory Honeyshot, Screwbeard the Dwarf, and Ud the (presumed dead) Troll—arrive to battle the Dark Elves. Lady Wazira joins her comrades against the enemy. Ud’s execution was faked by means of a spell Thor knew from Loki as part of a ruse against the enemy. Thor hurls Mjolnir but Malekith opens a portal in the air and the hammer vanishes into it. Malekith turns Thor’s liver to broken glass but Thor doesn’t need his liver to kill and elf—especially when Mjolnir returns to his hand. But the Dark Elf tribal council calls a halt to the skirmish; they have decided on a course of action…
… which is to make Malekith their king. They explain to the shocked Thor that his actions have marked him out as the ideal ruler of the deadly elves, and his coronation would unite the squabbling tribes as nothing else could. And for the small matter of his imprisonment: by law a proxy can serve his sentence for him, and Lady Wazira volunteers, for the good of her people. The other realms come to accept this odd arrangement and life goes on….
Epilogue: Malekith and a Frost Giant journey to Muspelheim, home of Surtur, with the intent to form a league of their own….