As Avenger Thor and King Thor are on their way to the lair of Gorr the God Butcher in the fabled ship Skithbladnir, Young Thor is a slave on that world. Along with captive gods of many other pantheons, he is forced to haul rocks. He attempts to rebel but is quickly informed by a trio of lovely young goddesses that any attempt at revolt results in Gorr crucifying another god. They tell the brash new captive to shut his mouth and remember that he is no longer a god but a slave. At this point, the reader is informed that these women are Atli, Ellisiv, and Frigg Wodensdottir—Thor’s own grandchildren….
Thor spies the Godbomb, and Gorr’s young son proudly explains his father’s goal of eradicating all gods from the universe and becoming the greatest redeemer in the universe. The arrogant kid walks off as Thor tries to point out the obvious: that Gorr himself is now a god….
On a day of rest, the slaves meet to plan their only chance at rebellion. The ringleaders (Thor’s granddaughters) have calculated that the Godbomb sill be completed in only three more days, thus now is their only chance. They have assembled an explosive out of stolen materials and now need only a volunteer for the suicide mission. At this, Young Thor steps forward to offer his services, boasting of his identity as the favorite son of Odin (and surprising his granddaughters). They are skeptical but as they outline the scheme to sabotage the Godbomb, they turn and find that Thor has already snatched up their explosive and headed out on his mission. As he rushes past the Black Berserkers, some of his powers return and a thunderstorm surrounds hm (finally confirming his identity to the Wodendsdottirs) and he hurls the small bomb at the larger one and there is an explosion….
In space King Thor and Avenger Thor have seen the thunderstorm and are heading to the planet when they are surrounded by starsharks. Then they are assaulted by an invader who is revealed to be Young Thor, blown clear out to space by the explosion—but the Godbomb is untouched. The newcomer Thor gears up for battle, ready to join his two other selves for the invasion of Gorr’s world. "Now we let the hammers talk."