1871, a gunfighter enters the ghost town of Whispering Wells in search of Indian burial riches. He becomes cursed to carry out the Indian spirit’s vengeance after prying a glowing stone out of the hands of a dead man. He becomes the Pariah.
More than a hundred years later, Rick Jones and Betty Ross are hard at work in the cave lab to help Bruce Banner find a cure for becoming the Hulk. Feeling guilty for helping to extinguish his friend, the Hulk, Rick drives off to clear his mind. He recalls his rough childhood as an orphan, and certain events before the Gamma bomb exploded and changed everything. Lost in thoughts, Rick drives upon the same ghost town haunted by Pariah.
Bruce and Betty hear Rick’s cry over the C.B. Excited, Bruce transforms into the Hulk while racing to find Rick. Upon reaching him, the Hulk fights Pariah but soon tires against the life draining powers of his foe. Banner senes his chance to rid himself of the Hulk, Bruce lets Pariah drain all the Gamma rays out of him. But Rick is loosing his life as well.
Banner decides the power of the Hulk should not be controlled by Pariah. A cure isn’t worth the cost. He becomes enraged and lets the Hulk unleash himself on Pariah. Tired of hearing about the stone that Pariah uses as his power source, the Hulk grabs it and pulverizes it. The spirits flee, taking the bones and the ghost town with them, leaving only the Hulk and Rick, glad to see that Bruce had realized the good only the Hulk can do.