Thor opens a portal to the World Beyond to follow Odin. In the fog-like dimension he battles the Guardian and learns that its master, who claimed Odin for its own, is called Infinity.
When Thor speaks Infinity's name, Infinity strikes the Guardian down. It demonstrates its might to Thor, crushing a planet in its giant hand.
Thor finds the Silent One who points out Infinity bathing a planet in darkness and placing all its residents in thrall.
The Warriors Three emerge from the mist in a trance-like state and attack. Thor uses Mjolnir to send them back to Asgard, still entranced. Odin combats Infinity in a battle that tears apart planets. The effects are felt on Earth as storms cover the planet.
With Mjolnir still in Asgard, Thor reverts to Dr. Donald Blake. Suddenly, the Guardian returns to life at Infinity's bidding and prepares to kill Blake.