the consternation of Thor and Hercules, Firelord sends the signal into space,
summoning his master Galactus. The two heroes attack him but he states that he
is only following orders and with a show of disdain, he takes off into the sky.
A reporter from the Daily Bugle has overheard this and he races back to
the office with the scoop. Thor and Herc return to the hospital where Thor
turns back into Don Blake. There is a commotion and they discover that TV news
is reporting the imminent return of Galactus, striking fear in the hearts of
the staff. Don fills Herc (and the late-coming reader) in on Galactus’ first
arrival on Earth as well as Thor’s previous encounter with him…
then Galactus arrives on Earth again, flying a car over the streets where he is
met by Thor and Hercules. The World-Devourer explains he is not there to devour
the world but to ask their help. He explains that he had tried to feed on
Ego the Living Planet but that world was too strong for him and they fought and
Galactus realized they were too evenly matched so he departed until he could
find someone or something to give him an edge. And now he asks Thor and Herc to
aid him and they take off in Galactus’ ship with Firelord joining them, to the
heroes’ dismay. Thor theorizes that Tana Nile’s removal of a sample from Ego
(which became Ego-Prime, issue #199-203) may have driven the Living Planet
insane. They arrive and Ego attacks their ship, filling it with humanoid
antibodies that overwhelm the heroes but are easily driven back to where
Firelord can use his Cosmic Staff to immolate them. And they await Ego’s next