Uncanny Avengers (2012 series) #12 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
The issue opens with a vignette of the young Apocalypse Twins in one of Red Skull's future Mutant Internment Camps, run by Ahab. They are trying to escape through a gate that Tony Stark has apparently promised them will be open. But it isn't. Kang put them in the camp to teach them about man's inhumanity to mutant. Now he appears to Uriel to hammer the lesson home.
The Twins are caught by Ahab and his human Hounds, including the telepathic Rachel. Ahab blames Uriel for the escape attempt, but his sister Eimin claims it was her idea, and she just saw the opportunity without planning. Ahab takes revenge by ordering Uriel to blind his sister, or see her killed. The boy chooses the lesser evil.
Kang tells Uriel he could have saved them but didn't. This should teach Uriel not to trust *any* human, even Kang.
Back in the present the Twins have just announced last issue the upcoming mutant rapture, where all mutants will be whisked away to safety away from Earth. Mutants continue to react to that. At the Jean Grey School Beast, Shadowcat and Storm are intent on keeping Angel and Genesis hidden from the Twins. At the New Charles Xavier School Cyclops, Emma Frost and Magik figure that only Scarlet Witch would have the power to do this.
In the Twins' base the Witch gets Grim Reaper to free his brother Wonder Man. Wanda tries to convince Simon to power her spell to cause the rapture. (The twins intend to terraform another planet of the Solar System to house the mutants. Strangely they've picked the gas-giant Jupiter!) She explains how Red Skull has used the telepathy he stole from Xavier's brain to compile a dossier of mutant crimes. He's going to start the worst anti-mutant conflict ever. The clincher is that Skull intends to use the Witch to start the war. Wanda doesn't trust herself to decide what to do, after House of M, and she wants Simon to choose for her.
Meanwhile Captain America, Havok and Wasp have invaded the island of Socoira where the Twins' base is hidden. Their aim is to shut off the Tachyon Dam which is keeping time-travellers from interfering, thus letting the forces of Immortus in to stop the Twins. They fight some of the new strangely-masked Clan Akkaba, and then the dead Banshee. (Along the way Havok and Wasp get to flirt.)
Eimin reminds Uriel she foresaw Wonder Man agreeing to help Scarlet Witch, before the Tachyon Dam cut off her predictive powers. The Twins are confidant.
In 4145 AD Marcus bursts in on his father Kang to tell him that the Twins have escaped. Kang is unfazed because he *planned* it that way. He expects them to get rid of mutants for him, paving the way for his future empire. But he is shocked when Marcus adds that they twins took the Celestial-killing axe Jarnbjorn with them. A holographic recording activates and the Twins say that they've set off a time-storm that will destroy Kang's reality. When Kang goes outside he sees the world crumbling away.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Genesis, Shadowcat (