Comic Book: Captain America (2018 series)

In the wake of the SECRET EMPIRE event when a fascist doppelganger seized power in the USA, Captain America must regain the trust of the people as he continues his stand for America's values.

Data Sheet:
Sep 2018 to Sep 2021

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

(Peggy Carter)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 30

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America #1
Captain America #1
4.5 stars

Captain America #1

September 2018
"Winter in America: Part I"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
A Hydra convoy is transporting a prisoner named Alexa through snowy Russian mountains. The mutant sorceress Selene halts the convoy, destroys the vehicles, feeds on the Hydra agents' life forces, and leaves with Alexa.... [...]
Captain America #2
Captain America #2
4.5 stars

Captain America #2

October 2018
"Winter in America: Part II"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Captain America looks back on his early days when he wanted nothing more than to be a man and serve in the military during the war. [...]
Captain America #3
Captain America #3
4.5 stars

Captain America #3

November 2018
"Winter in America: Part III"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Agent 13, Sharon Carter, is on her mission to Alberia, escorted by a pair of younger agents; suspicious, she stabs one and forces the other at gunpoint to tell her what is going on.... [...]
Captain America #4
Captain America #4
4 stars

Captain America #4

December 2018
"Winter in America: Part IV"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Captain America parachutes into an abandoned military base in Alberia where Sharon Carter is a prisoner of a blonde Russian scientist lecturing her on the importance of power.... [...]
Captain America #5
Captain America #5
3.5 stars

Captain America #5

January 2019
"Winter in America: Part V"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
The tale opens in the recent past, with Alexa Lukin exhuming the body of her late husband and explaining to Selene how easy it will be for the Power Elite to take over the USA in the wake of the Hydra conquest.... [...]
Captain America #6
Captain America #6
3 stars

Captain America #6

February 2019
"Winter in America: Part VI"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Alexa Lukin brings her newly resurrected husband Aleksander Lukin up to speed on the Power Elite and their plans to take over the USA and to kill Captain America. [...]
Captain America #7
Captain America #7
3 stars

Captain America #7

March 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part I"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Selene visits Baron Strucker, who turned against the most recent version of Hydra and was rewarded by being given charge of The Myrmidon, a prisoner for super-people. Selene is there to gain assurance that this prison would hold Steve Rogers.... [...]
Captain America #8
Captain America #8
3 stars

Captain America #8

April 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part II"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
A man who looks suspiciously like Steve Rogers but with a Hydra tattoo on his torso receives a visit from Alexa Lukin. She tells him he is free to go so he gets dressed.... Steve Rogers, falsely accused of murder, is now a prisoner at Myrmidon, the private prison run by Baron Strucker. [...]
Captain America #9
Captain America #9
3.5 stars

Captain America #9

June 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part III"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Alexa Lukin visits the publisher of Fact Channel News, half-persuading and half bullying him into running stories claiming the the Hydra Supreme Commander was really Steve Rogers/Captain America all along.... [...]
Captain America #10
Captain America #10
3 stars

Captain America #10

July 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part IV"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Invisible Woman slips into the Myrmidon prison to meet with Thunderball; the villain has been having second thoughts about the bad guy life and now wants to be called Dr. Franklin. She injects him with a chemical and departs.... [...]
Captain America #11
Captain America #11
4 stars

Captain America #11

August 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part V"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Sharon Carter and the Daughters of Liberty (Dryad, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Mockingbird, Toni Ho) are watching via CCTV the riot at the Myrmidon prison. [...]
Captain America #12
Captain America #12
4 stars

Captain America #12

September 2019
"Captain of Nothing: Part VI"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Nick Fury Jr. is shown surveillance film of Hydra agents robbing a bank and a confrontation with police. Suddenly, Captain America appears, takes down the baddies with his shield and vanishes into the night. [...]
Captain America #13
Captain America #13
4 stars

Captain America #13

October 2018
"The Legend of Steve Part I"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dryad (Peggy Carter) is reviewing intel on the Power Elite gleaned from interrogating Baron Strucker when she receives a call from Sharon Carter. [...]
Captain America #14
Captain America #14
3.5 stars

Captain America #14

November 2019
"The Legend of Steve Part II"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
An attractive Native American woman walks into a bar and asks the bartender to charge her phone. When he plugs it in it emits a high-pitched noise that knock out several men in the bar and then she proceeds to beat up the rest. [...]
Captain America #15
Captain America #15
4 stars

Captain America #15

December 2019
"The Legend of Steve Part III"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Undercover cop Angel Larimore is gunned down in a New York street, the latest victim in a rash of cop killings…. Steve Rogers meets with some of the Daughters of Liberty: Sharon Carter, Misty Knight, Echo, and Toni Ho. [...]
Captain America #16
Captain America #16
4 stars

Captain America #16

January 2020
"The Legend of Steve Part IV"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Former Kingpin/current New York Mayor Wilson Fisk is dining with Alexa Lukin. [...]
Captain America #17
Captain America #17
4 stars

Captain America #17

February 2020
"The Legend of Steve Part V"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
In the wake of the (apparent) assassination of Mayor Wilson Fisk, Steve Rogers and the Daughters of Liberty redouble efforts to unmask the new Source of the Underworld. [...]
Captain America #18
Captain America #18
4 stars

Captain America #18

March 2020
"The Legend of Steve Part V"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dryad contacts Sharon Carter for an update on the current crisis; afterward, Sharon puts her phone down and Steve Rogers wonders who she has been talking to secretly…. A mob is attacking a halfway house for recently freed convicts, bent on lynching the perceived bad guys among them. [...]
Captain America #19
Captain America #19
3.5 stars

Captain America #19

April 2020
"The Legend of Steve Part VI"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Steve Rogers is tracking Peggy Carter but he knows she is dead; he is met by Agatha Harkness who offers to take him on a journey through time to show him all he needs to know. [...]
Captain America #20
Captain America #20
3 stars

Captain America #20

May 2020
"All Die Young: Part I"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
In the small town of Adamsville, Ohio, the sinister Selene is running a church program that is actually a means of gathering more souls for her to feed on…. [...]
Captain America #21
Captain America #21
3 stars

Captain America #21

October 2020
"All Die Young: Part II"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Madripoor: Alexander and Alexa Lukin are attending a human auction and making fun of the event’s leader, William Taurey, a bumbling dolt as the public face of the Power Elite. [...]
Captain America #22
Captain America #22
4 stars

Captain America #22

October 2020
"All Die Young: Part III"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Sharon Carter and Toni Ho look in on General Thunderbolt Ross, who explains that an LMD (Life Model Decoy) was killed in his place, and now he is guarded by Misty Knight and Dryad. [...]
Captain America #23
Captain America #23
4.5 stars

Captain America #23

November 2020
"All Die Young: Part IV"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
In Adamsville, Iowa, Captain America, Falcon, and Winter Soldier are in trouble while fighting Selene and her demonic minions. But rescue has come: Sharon Carter in the Iron Patriot armor, with Shuri and Agatha Harkness, emerge from a portal. [...]
Captain America #24
Captain America #24
4 stars

Captain America #24

December 2020
"All Die Young: Part V"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
William Taurey is prisoner of the merciless Red Skull—inside the head of Aleksander Lukin who sees what the Skull is doing in his nightmares…. [...]
Captain America #25
Captain America #25
3 stars

Captain America #25

January 2021
"All Die Young: Part VI"
Script: Ta-Nehisi Coates
At a hotel in Madripoor, the bad guys (Red Skull, Alexa Lukin, Sin, Crossbones, and a bunch of guards) have captured some of the heroes (Misty Knight, Black Widow, General Thunderbolt Ross, Dryad, Mockingbird) and are threatening them with dire fates. [...]


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