Comic Book: Captain America (1998 series)

Volume 3: after the events of HEROES REBORN, Captain America returned to Marvel's regular continuity, picking up where he left off as America's greatest hero.

Data Sheet:
Jan 1998 to Feb 2002

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Nick Fury
Nick Fury

(Nicholas Fury)
Plus: Connie Ferrari.

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 50

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America #1
Captain America #1
5 stars

Captain America #1

January 1998
"The Return of Steve Rogers, Captain America"
Script: Mark Waid
Our story opens in Tokyo, Japan. American culture has taken root in this country. While many citizens are thrilled to be able to wear American fashions and eat fast food, there are those that prefer Japan remove this influence from their culture. [...]
Captain America #2
Captain America #2
3 stars

Captain America #2

February 1998
"To Serve And Protect"
Script: Mark Waid
The US Navy informs Captain America that Hydra has captured the U.S.S. McKenszie, loading a powerful virus into its navigational computers. [...]
Captain America #3
Captain America #3
3 stars

Captain America #3

March 1998
"Museum Piece"
Script: Mark Waid
At Avengers Mansion, Tony Stark creates a new shield for Cap to use until his original can be retreived from the Atlantic Ocean. Initial tests do not go well and Cap has trouble adapting to the new model. As he leaves he is swarmed by an ever-increasing number of fans. [...]
Captain America #4
Captain America #4
4 stars

Captain America #4

April 1998
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America teams up with Hawkeye to stop a Hydra agent from unleashing a nerve gas in Times Square. Once the threat has passed, Cap's adoring fans swarm him for autographs, which continue to embarrass him. [...]
Captain America #5
Captain America #5
4 stars

Captain America #5

May 1998
"Power And Glory Pt. 1: Credibility Gap"
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America takes his personal war against Hydra international, working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers to shut down two Hydra branches – one in London, one in Paris. When the battle is over, the commander of the London branch admits that the Hydra power base has deteriorated. [...]
Captain America #6
Captain America #6
4 stars

Captain America #6

June 1998
"Power And Glory Chapter Two: Expose"
Script: Mark Waid
While the Skrull commander continues his impersonation of Captain America, the real Cap tries to escape from the alien handcuffs he was placed in (last issue). They have so far proven to be adaptive to intense heat and electricity. [...]
Captain America #7
Captain America #7
4 stars

Captain America #7

July 1998
"Power And Glory Chapter 3: Hoaxed"
Script: Mark Waid
Welcome to the The United States of Total Chaos. As part of his master plan, a Skrull commander impersonated Captain America and convinced everyone that 1 in every 20 Americans is secretly a Skrull. Americans began turning on each other immediately. [...]
Captain America #8
Captain America #8
4 stars

Captain America #8

August 1998
"Live Kree or Die! Chapter Two: Stuck in the Middle"
Script: Mark Waid
This story follows from IRON MAN (1998) #7The Lunatic Legion – an extremist Kree military group -- have declared war on Earth – and specifically the Avengers. They mistakenly blame them for detonating the bomb that destroyed their homeworld. Their first battle was against Iron Man and Warbird. [...]
Captain America #9
Captain America #9
4 stars

Captain America #9

September 1998
"American Nightmare, Chapter One: The Bite of Madness!"
Script: Mark Waid
Random public figures have begun acting irrationally. Superstar baseball player Jack Patterson snaps and starts assaulting fans. He is tasered by local police and arrested. He is not the first public figure to snap in recent days. [...]
Captain America #10
Captain America #10
4 stars

Captain America #10

October 1998
"American Nightmare, Chapter Two: The Growing Darkness"
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America, Sharon Carter, and the construction worker scramble toward the basement which catches some, but not all, of the falling metal. The rest is supported by Cap's new shield. Sharon and the construction worker blast a hole into a cavern to give them some breathing room. [...]
Captain America #11
Captain America #11
4 stars

Captain America #11

November 1998
"American Nightmare, Chapter Three: Finger on the Pulse"
Script: Mark Waid
Sharon Carter and the other SHIELD agents try in vain to stop the Nightmare-controlled Captain America. He makes his way to the hanger where he steals an aircraft and leaves, followed closely by Sharon. In his realm, Nightmare explains his master plan to Captain America. [...]
Captain America #12
Captain America #12
4 stars

Captain America #12

December 1998
"American Nightmare, Finale: Nuclear Dawn"
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America and Sharon Carter watch as their real-world bodies (controlled by Nightmare) take out numerous soldiers on their way to the launch room. The secure room can only be accessed by a retinal match. Nightmare's control over humanity affects the eyes and the pair are denied access. [...]
Captain America #13
Captain America #13
3 stars

Captain America #13

January 1999
"Plausible Deniability"
Script: Mark Waid
Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter take some time off after their encounter with Nightmare (last issue) to discuss the political turmoil involved with Councilman Andrew Bolt. Steve feels partially responsible for the scandal resulting from "Skrull Cap" publicly supporting his candidacy (issue #6). [...]
Captain America #14
Captain America #14
3.5 stars

Captain America #14

February 1999
"The Red Skull in: Turnabout"
Script: Mark Waid
The Red Skull finds himself in a conquered Germany where he bitterly fumes against the democracy that the Americans have brought, resulting in an influx of inferior (to him) races and nationalities. He sleeps in a dumpster while doing menial work at a hotel for people he hates. [...]
Captain America #15
Captain America #15
4 stars

Captain America #15

March 1999
"First Gleaming"
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America is fighting Cobra and Mr Hyde when he is interrupted by Iron Man, showing him the remnants of his original shield, accidentally shattered by Rhodey (James Rhodes) after he retrieved it from the ocean.... [...]
Captain America #16
Captain America #16
3.5 stars

Captain America #16

April 1999
"Red Glare"
Script: Mark Waid
Captain America and Sharon Carter are shattered by The Watcher's revelation that within the next day, the Red Skull will have subjugated the entire United States. On being questioned, The Watcher takes them through time and space to... [...]
Captain America #17
Captain America #17
4.5 stars

Captain America #17

May 1999
"Extreme Prejudice: A Tale of Morality and Failure"
Script: Mark Waid
It''s Captain America versus the super-powerful Red Skull—and Cap has lost his powers thanks to his foe. Sharon Carter advises him to kill the Skull, but Cap insists there must be another way.... [...]
Captain America #18
Captain America #18
4 stars

Captain America #18

June 1999
"Man Out of Time"
Script: Mark Waid
Korvac returns to his world in 3007 where the entire human race has been enslaved under the watchful eye of his adjutant Primax, a machine-run utopia for the glory of Korvac the Machine God. [...]
Captain America #19
Captain America #19
4.5 stars

Captain America #19

July 1999
"Triumph of the Will"
Script: Mark Waid
With Korvac''s final reboot of time (last issue), history has run back to just prior to Captain America''s defeat of the Red Skull (issue #17). But this time, instead of Cap stabbing his foe through the back with a plasma sword, it is now a staff Cap hits him with, non-fatally. [...]
Captain America #20
Captain America #20
4 stars

Captain America #20

August 1999
"Danger in the Air!"
Script: Mark Waid
A.I.M. agents raid Fort Colan in Colorado to seize nanomite bombs—not to worry, USAgent is on the scene to battle the baddies. A photon blast at his Vibranium shield causes it to shake and explode.... [...]
Captain America #21
Captain America #21
4 stars

Captain America #21

September 1999
Script: Mark Waid
Staffers of Marvel and DC are playing softball in Central Park when Captain America suddenly appears among them, warning them to evacuate the area. The teams are no sooner gone than an Avengers Quinjet crashes onto the field. [...]
Captain America #22
Captain America #22
4 stars

Captain America #22

October 1999
"Sacrifice Play"
Script: Mark Waid
To prevent the sonic cancer from destroying the Earth, Captain America must rush Tony Stark's nullifier to Wakanda to intercept and change the frequency of the “cancer” but it will mean the destruction of Cap's already damaged shield. [...]
Captain America #23
Captain America #23
4 stars

Captain America #23

November 1999
"Land of the Free"
Script: Mark Waid
Madan Chakara smuggles a letter out of prison, telling him of the brutal inhuman treatment they are given. The worst part of this is...the prison is in the United States.... After an evening of dancing, Connie Ferrari tells Steve Rogers of the Chakara case. [...]
Captain America #24
Captain America #24
4 stars

Captain America #24

December 1999
"The Difference!"
Script: Tom DeFalco
Captain America on a motorcycle crashes into a Hydra hideout where they are holding SHIELD Agent Whedon prisoner. Cap defeats the Hydra Agents and learns from Whedon that they were planning to bomb the UN Peace Initiative. [...]
Captain America #25
Captain America #25
4 stars

Captain America #25

January 2000
"Twisted Tomorrows: Part 1 of 3"
Script: Dan Jurgens
A fugitive runs through an Idaho woodland pursued by uniformed guards with ferocious dogs; this runner is revealed to be Nick Fury and he is caught by his pursuers before he can reach his SHIELD GPS hidden in a tree stump. Fury is taken back to the guards' unnamed Master.... [...]


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