Korvac returns to his world in 3007
where the entire human race has been enslaved under the watchful eye
of his adjutant Primax, a machine-run utopia for the glory of Korvac
the Machine God. But there is some dissension—Captain America rises
up to lead a revolt and Korvac destroys him, then reboots the
timeline. Over and over this happens, with Cap showing up in one
rebel plan or another, always being defeated, the timeline always
being rebooted , with Korvac choosing to allow Cap to keep his
memories of his other failures as punishment. Finally, Korvac decides
that the only way to end Cap's interference is to reboot at the point
he gained the Red Skull's power, back in 1999. But Cap's praises of
freedom have penetrated the heart of Korvac's servant Primax and,
remembering his own name Jaromel, becomes the new Captain America,
continuing to lead the revolution against Korvac....