Comic Book: Captain America: Sam Wilson

Info, covers and comics index from Captain America: Sam Wilson comic book.

Data Sheet:
Dec 2015 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Captain America
Captain America

(Sam Wilson)

(Demolition Man)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 25

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson #1
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #1

December 2015
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Sam Wilson, the former Falcon and current Captain America, is on a commercial flight from Phoenix to New York. To his dismay he is recognized and has to deal with annoying seatmates and the adulation or contempt of staff ands fellow passengers. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #2
Captain America: Sam Wilson #2
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #2

December 2015
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Sam Wilson, current Captain America, is still en route from Phoenix to New York as he continues to review his recent history for his annoying seatmates…. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #3
Captain America: Sam Wilson #3
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #3

January 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
On a late-night mission, Misty Knight enters the laboratory of Dr Karl Malus to find it mostly empty…she is attacked by a huge boar-man which then flees the building. She turns on the light to find Captain America, Sam Wilson—and he is a werewolf….which she finds very funny…. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #4
Captain America: Sam Wilson #4
4.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #4

February 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America: Sam Wilson #5
Captain America: Sam Wilson #5
4.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #5

March 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Joaquin Torres relates how he saved Captain America's life. First he tells us his background: he came to the USA over the border when he was a child. As an adult he was captured by the Sons of the Serpent and delivered to Dr. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #6

April 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Having rescued Captain America from Serpent Solutions (the former Serpent Society), Joaquin Torres now finds himself surrounded by the Serpents. Cap is still paralyzed by venom (and still a werewolf) and cannot help Joaquin against the foes. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7
5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #7

May 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America (Sam Wilson) arrives in Pleasant Hill and meets up with Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier; they compare notes and set out to find Steve Rogers. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #8
Captain America: Sam Wilson #8
5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #8

June 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America: Sam Wilson #9
Captain America: Sam Wilson #9
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #9

July 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
As the news hits the nation that Steve Rogers is again powered up, the public and various demagogues call on Sam Wilson to resign and let Steve reassume the mantle of Captain America.... [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #10
Captain America: Sam Wilson #10
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #10

August 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America Sam Wilson is having a tough time. First, with the return of Steve Rogers, the calls for Sam to resign as Cap are becoming even stronger. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #11
Captain America: Sam Wilson #11
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #11

September 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America Sam Wilson is worried about the Americops, the new private police force that has the black community in an uproar. Sam has his team (Misty Knight, Dennis “D-Man” Dunphy, and the new Falcon Joaquin Torres) researching the issue. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #12
Captain America: Sam Wilson #12
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #12

October 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Flashback: An angry Captain America marches into a police station where they are holding a robbery suspect collared by an Avenger. It turns out that the “suspect” is the Falcon, mistaken for the bad guy while the real bad guy, the Trapster mistaken for a hero, was allowed to leave. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #13
Captain America: Sam Wilson #13
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #13

November 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
At the scene of the Americops riot, USAgent is battling Captain America (Sam Wilson) to take the shield from him. As they battle in the streets, right-wing radio host Harry Hauser denounces Sam Cap to his listening audience as not worthy of the shield. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #14
Captain America: Sam Wilson #14
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #14

December 2016
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Senator Tom Herald is addressing an audience in a Manhattan ballroom when agents of ULTIMATUM crash in and take everyone hostage. The group''s leader, Flag-Smasher, calls on both Captains America to help him deal with enemies of peace and liberty. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #15
Captain America: Sam Wilson #15
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #15

January 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
After a very stressful run of events making life difficult for Captain America, Sam Wilson decides to take a night off, joining Joaquin (Falcon) Torres to take in a wrestling match at Madison Square Garden. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #16
Captain America: Sam Wilson #16
4.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #16

February 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Over the past few issues, Sam Wilson has been having a hard time being Captain America, so Misty Knight has arranged for Sam to go on a weekend road trip with his brother Gideon. She gets a call from Claire Temple, telling her that Callie Ryan—Lady Stilt-Man—is in the hospital. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #17
Captain America: Sam Wilson #17
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #17

March 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
An issue centering on Joaquin Torres, the new Falcon, has Captain America (Sam Wilson) introducing him (to remind the readers who he is) before going into the plot.... [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #18
Captain America: Sam Wilson #18
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #18

March 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
The issue opens with Captain America Sam Wilson brooding over how his plans to do the right thing have crumbled into bitter controversy.... Misty Knight wakes Sam to show him the news on television: how Rage was arrested by the Americops and accused of robbing a pawn shop. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #19
Captain America: Sam Wilson #19
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #19

April 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America (Sam Wilson) describes how he tried to take a stand when Rage (Elvin Haliday) was arrested and falsely accused of robbery by posting film of his treatment by the Americops. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #20
Captain America: Sam Wilson #20
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #20

May 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Captain America Sam Wilson broods over recent events: Rage was wrongly convicted of robbery. Supporters took to the streets to protest, calling for justice. The Americops fired on them with tear gas. TV host Harry Hauser spoke out defended the ''Cops with his inflammatory manner. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #21
Captain America: Sam Wilson #21
3.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #21

June 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Misty Knight returns home to find a note left by Sam Wilson—Captain America. In it, he reviews his life to where he became the Falcon and fought alongside Steve Rogers, Captain America, whom he considers his best and most trusted friend.... [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #22
Captain America: Sam Wilson #22
4.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #22

July 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Having resigned as Captain America (last issue), Sam Wilson is living in anonymity in the Northwest. By means of his mental connection to birds, he is aware of Hydra''s takeover of the USA, led by his former friend Steve Rogers. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #23
Captain America: Sam Wilson #23
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #23

August 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
Having resigned as Captain America, Sam Wilson lives in Montana and finds himself again playing the hero, smuggling undesirables out of the Hydra-controlled USA. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #24
Captain America: Sam Wilson #24
3.5 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #24

September 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
In the Arizona campground of the remnant of the Underground, Sam Wilson looks back on the events that led to him becoming the new Captain America and how it all fell apart. [...]
Captain America: Sam Wilson #25
Captain America: Sam Wilson #25
4 stars

Captain America: Sam Wilson #25

October 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Nick Spencer
The tale opens with the Tony Stark AI trying to blow out the candle on a birthday cake. He can''''t so he shoots it with a repulsor ray, which really wasn''''t the solution either.... [...]


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