Comic Book: Iron Man 2.0

Info, covers and comics index from Iron Man 2.0 comic book.

Data Sheet:
Feb 2011 to Dec 2011

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

War Machine
War Machine

(James Rhodes)
Plus: Kaylie Harrison, Mike Zelinsky, Suzi Endo.
Iron Man 2.0 #1
Iron Man 2.0 #1

(Feb 2011)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Iron Man 2.0 #1
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #1

February 2011
"Palmer Addley Is Dead, Part 1"
Script: Nick Spencer
The issue opens 6 months previously, where a woman named Judith is going to have an operation. She is afraid because she doesn't want her ex-husband to get custody of her kids.In the present, Iron Man is fighting what looks like Blizzard. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #2
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #2

February 2011
"Palmer Addley Is Dead, Part 2"
Script: Nick Spencer
An Arab woman is forced to bring a strap-on terrorist bomb to the fence of Camp Liberty in Baghdad. Two experts remove it and take it for safe detonation. But then one of them says "Palmer Addley is dead", and sets the bomb off in the admin building. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #3
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #3

April 2011
"Palmer Addley Is Dead, Part 3"
Script: Nick Spencer
Last issue War Machine was caught in a nuclear blast in Russia. Now we see him being rescued by hover-drones. Gen'l Babbage and Tony Stark watch developments from afar. Jim Rhodes' teammates on the Palmer Addley military investigation are in shock. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #4
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #4

April 2011
"Palmer Addley Is Dead, Part 4"
Script: Nick Spencer
Last issue we learned that the Palmer Addley file provided by the military to James Rhodes' consulting team was a fake. Now Kaylie Harrison is being allowed to see the real file, in a secure location where she isn't allowed to remove or copy anything. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #5
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #5

May 2011
"Fear Itself, Part 1"
Script: Nick Spencer
The scene is the 8th City of Heaven, which is a Hell. It is currently ruled by Sun Wukong, the Monkey King (actually human-looking). We see him challenged by Bravest Panda Foot and some allies. Wukong makes short work of them. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #6
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #6

June 2011
"Fear Itself, Part 2"
Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter and Maria Hill are monitoring events, including Sin/Skadi's attack on Washington in Fear Itself #2-3. Sharon notes that something is happening in Beijing that seems to be beyond the other hammerfall events in FI#1-2. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #7
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #7

July 2011
"Fear Itself, Conclusion"
Script: Nick Spencer
Last issue Iron Man 2.0 (James Rhodes) and the Immortal Weapons (Bride of Nine Spiders, Dog Brother #1, Fat Cobra, Iron Fist, John Aman and Tiger's Beautiful Daughter) in Beijing saw Absorbing Man gain one of the hammers of the Worthy, and become Greithoth. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #8
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #8

August 2011
"The Palmer Addley infection, part 1"
Script: Nick Spencer
Iron Man 2.0 is fighting another of Palmer Addley's robots, this time in Dubai. Suzi Endo is back advising him remotely (after indicating she didn't want the job in #2 and #7.1). He has to keep the robot busy while Suzi tracks the transmission controlling it. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #9
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #9

September 2011
"The Palmer Addley infection, part 2"
Script: Nick Spencer
More than half of this issue is spent showing how Palmer Addley did what he did.Unstable genius Addley was working in an ultra-secret DARPA lab, effectively under house arrest for crimes he committed as a youth. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #10
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #10

November 2011
"The Palmer Addley infection, part 3"
Script: Nick Spencer
This issue starts with another flashback. After reading Palmer Addley's real file in #4, Kaylie Harrison went to see one of his handlers, Mr Reich. We learn that the file she read was about someone named Andrew Palmer, not Palmer Addley (no name was used in the comic panels we were presented with). [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #11
4 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #11

December 2011
"The Palmer Addley infection, part 4"
Script: Nick Spencer
The next stage of the Palmer Addley Infection has turned a crowd in O'Hare Airport into a mob out to kill each other. Iron Man 2.0 can't fight these opponents, so he gases them to sleep instead. Unfortunately they shake this off almost immediately. [...]
Iron Man 2.0 #12
4.5 stars

Iron Man 2.0 #12

December 2011
"The Palmer Addley infection, conclusion"
Script: Nick Spencer
Iron Man 2.0 was flying Suzi Endo to the Baxter Building to talk to Mr Fantastic about beating the Palmer Addley Infection. But on the way they were attacked by the original Iron Man, who's been taken over by the virus. [...]
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