Comic Book: Quasar

Info, covers and comics index from Quasar comic book.

Data Sheet:
Oct 1989 to Jul 1994

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Wendell Vaughn)
Plus: Her, Epoch.
Quasar #26
Quasar #26

(Sep 1991)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Quasar #26
Quasar #26
4 stars

Quasar #26

September 1991
"The eight billion year funeral"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Last issue Quasar defeated Maelstrom and saved the universe, and used his quantum bands to create himself a new costume to celebrate. Maelstrom was the big bad that Quasar's 8 billion year-old mentor Eon made him Protector Of The Universe to face. Unfortunately Eon died during the conflict (#23). [...]
Quasar #27
Quasar #27
4 stars

Quasar #27

October 1991
"From here to maternity"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Last issue Thanos interrupted the funeral of his enemy the cosmic being Eon whose body extended throughout his own pocket Eonverse. The Mad Titan then returned to his Infinity Gauntlet business in IG#1, but not without tampering with Eon's still not-quite-dead body in 2 ways. [...]
Quasar #32
Quasar #32
5 stars

Quasar #32

March 1992
"The Tomb of Mar-Vell"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Follows AVENGERS WEST COAST #80Quasar stops by the STARCORE solar observatory in orbit around the sun and learns that the stargate has been disrupting the sun’s usual activity. Quasar is then summoned to check out an alarm at the tomb of Captain Mar-Vell on a remote asteroid. [...]
Quasar #33
Quasar #33
4 stars

Quasar #33

April 1992
"Special Deliveries"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Follows AVENGERS WEST COAST #81As the Shi’ar ship passes through the stargate, Neutron and Starbolt of the Imperial Guard stay behind to stop Quasar and Her from following. The hero seals Starbolt inside a force bubble and quantum jumps Neutron a light year away, stranding him. [...]
Quasar #34
Quasar #34
4 stars

Quasar #34

May 1992
"The Scorched Sun"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Follows AVENGERS WEST COAST #82The cosmic being known as Her weaves an energy lattice across the stargate to prevent the Skrull ship from taking the Nega-Bomb into the Kree galaxy. Super-Skrull is dispatched to battle the lady hero but Quasar arrives to contain the villain. [...]
Quasar #35
Quasar #35
3 stars

Quasar #35

June 1992
Quasar #37
Quasar #37
4 stars

Quasar #37

August 1992
"Infinity manifestations"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
In the Kree Galaxy (the Large Magellanic Cloud) Quasar, Her and Makkari have just protected the foetus of a cosmic being from the Soul-Eater (last issue). But the foetus is damaged and they don't know if it will survive. [...]
Quasar #38
Quasar #38
3 stars

Quasar #38

September 1992
"Whose War is This Anyway?"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Quasar and the Contemplator are in the Dimension of Manifestations where Eternity lies in a coma. The Contemplator decides to remain behind to explore this new dimension while Quasar returns to Earth to join the Expeditionary Force that will investigate what happened to Eternity. [...]
Quasar #39
Quasar #39
3 stars

Quasar #39

October 1992
"To Be or Not To Be"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Thanos has given to the Earth heroes the Ultimate Nullifier to battle the threat of the Magus. Quasar volunteers to risk his life to use it. He creates a containment dome around himself and contacts his cosmic goddaughter Epoch to help him understand how to use the Nullifier. [...]
Quasar #40
Quasar #40
3 stars

Quasar #40

November 1992
"Null and Void"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Quasar stands facing the Magus’ stronghold in space and nervously activates the Ultimate Nullifier. A tiny sphere of whiteness emerges from the weapon’s nozzle and begins to grow rapidly as it floats toward the villain’s lair. [...]
Quasar #53
Quasar #53
4 stars

Quasar #53

December 1993
"To the 5th power"
Script: Mark Gruenwald
Quasar #59
Quasar #59
4 stars

Quasar #59

June 1994
"Brothers in arms"
Script: Ron Marz
Starfox has invited fellow Avenger Quasar to visit the city of Titan inside the moon of the same name. [...]


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