Comic Book: Thor Annual

A yearly special offering of Mighty Thor action! Continues the numbering of JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY ANNUAL.

Data Sheet:
Sep 1966 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Balder the Brave)
Warriors Three
Warriors Three

(Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg)
Thor Annual #2
Thor Annual #2

(Sep 1966)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 22

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Thor Annual #2
4 stars

Thor Annual #2

September 1966
"If Asgard Falls…"
Script: Stan Lee
In Asgard, Odin proclaims a Tournament of Titans with the grand prize for each event a golden suit of armor. Runners are dispatched to light the Beacon of the Brave atop the Mount of Eternity to summon warriors from all over creation to the games. [...]
Thor Annual #3
3 stars

Thor Annual #3

January 1971
"Thor Annual #3"
Script: Stan Lee
Reprints the following stories: "A World Gone Mad!" from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #113 "Balder Must Die!" from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #107 "Trapped by the Trolls!" from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #108"Banished from Asgard! [...]
Thor Annual #4
4 stars

Thor Annual #4

December 1971
"The Living Planet!"
Script: Stan Lee
Reprints the following stories: "They Strike From Space!" from THOR #131 "Rigel: Where Gods May Fear to Tread!" from THOR #132 "The Boyhood of Loki! [...]
Thor Annual #5
4 stars

Thor Annual #5

June 1976
"The War of the Gods!"
Script: Steve Englehart
This tale of an ancient battle between Asgard and Olympus begins with a prologue that describes the origin of the Nine Realms and the races within, according to Norse mythology. After an account of the founding of Midgard and Asgard, we see Thor, Heimdall, and a young Sif speaking on Bifrost. [...]
Thor Annual #6
4 stars

Thor Annual #6

June 1977
"Thunder in the 31st Century!"
Script: Roger Stern
Thor is flying over New York when he spies a police barricade; heading down, he learns that a band of terrorists are holed up in a Roxxon building threatening to blow up the nuclear reactor and destroy the city. Thor crashes through the roof and takes out the baddies. [...]
Thor Annual #7
4 stars

Thor Annual #7

January 1978
"And Ever--the Eternals!"
Script: Roy Thomas
This story is set immediately after Balder was shot with mistletoe, and the footnote places in the middle of THOR #275.  As Balder lays fatally wounded and Ragnarok approaching, Thor lashes out in anger, smashing a chair. [...]
Thor Annual #8
3 stars

Thor Annual #8

January 1979
"Thunder Over Troy!"
Script: Roy Thomas
The story opens many years ago in Jotunheim, as Thor and Loki battle a group of Storm Giants.  When Thor protects his brother, Loki accuses Thor of robbing him of his own victory. [...]
Thor Annual #9
4 stars

Thor Annual #9

January 1981
"The Great Game!"
Script: Chris Claremont
In Bellvue Hospital, Dr. Donald Blake works to save the life of a young boy, Randy Mossberg, who had been hit by a car.  After a successful operation, a female colleague compliments Blake on his impressive work and invites him out for the weekend. [...]
Thor Annual #10
5 stars

Thor Annual #10

January 1982
"A Time To Die"
Script: Alan Zelenetz
At the dawn of time, a sentient life force called the Demiurge manifested in Earth’s biosphere.  The Demiurge created the Elder Gods (Gaea, Chthon, Set, and others), who populated the Earth in its infancy. [...]
Thor Annual #11
4 stars

Thor Annual #11

January 1983
"The Saga of Thor"
Script: Alan Zelenetz
To celebrate the “festive season of Thor’s birth,” the three Norns (Urd, Skuld, Verdanda) retell details from the early life of Thor.  The story is broken into 6 chapters. [...]
Thor Annual #12
3 stars

Thor Annual #12

January 1984
"The Blood of Dawn"
Script: Alan Zelenetz
Returning from a feast with the Mountain Giants, three lost Storm Giants wander all night through the mountains outside of Asgard. In the morning they stumble upon the farm of Vidar, a half-giant son of Odin. There, they find Solveig, Vidar''s wife, and slay her. [...]
Thor Annual #13
4 stars

Thor Annual #13

January 1985
"And Evil Shall Inherit"
Script: Alan Zelenetz
Mephisto, bored with the usual scene in Hell, decides to pick on Thor in the wake of the death of Odin. He chooses Ulik as his weapon and approaches the troll in his kingdom. The monster refuses to do another’s bidding so Mephisto kidnaps Ulik’s brother Horth to compel his cooperation….. [...]
Thor Annual #14
2 stars

Thor Annual #14

January 1989
"Set Ascending Atlantis Attacks, Ch. 13"
Script: Roy Thomas
Title: “Set Ascending” Credits:Writers: Roy ThomasBreakdowns: Al MilgromFinishes: Don HeckLetterer: Augustin MasColorist: John A. [...]
Thor Annual #15
3.5 stars

Thor Annual #15

September 1990
"Can Terminus Be Far Behind? (Part 3 of The Terminus Factor)"
Script: Roy Thomas
Story continued from IRON MAN ANNUAL #11 Thor and Hercules arrive in San Francisco, having been called by Iron Man to stop the rampaging animals infected by the Terminus virus. Thor leaves Herc to await the invasion of the Termini while he heads into space to seek out the original Terminus. [...]
Thor Annual #16
3 stars

Thor Annual #16

January 1991
"The Future Dies Now"
Script: Tom DeFalco
Thor Annual #17
3 stars

Thor Annual #17

January 1992
"The Hammer, the Cross -- and the Eye (Citizen Kang, Part 2)"
Script: Roy Thomas
This story is Part 2 of the “Citizen Kang” crossover event.  It follows Captain America Annual #11. [...]
Thor Annual #18
3 stars

Thor Annual #18

January 1993
"Forged in Fire"
Script: Ron Marz
Characters: Thor, Hrinmeer The Flame, Aeltri, Skulveig, Odin, Sleipnir Synopsis:             In an Asgardian pub, several warriors are discussing who is the mightiest in Asgard with Thor away, not counting Odin. [...]
Thor Annual #19
3 stars

Thor Annual #19

January 1994
"The Flame and the Lightning"
Script: Roy Thomas
Thor Annual #1999
4 stars

Thor Annual #1999

March 1999
"Tears of a God"
Script: Dan Jurgens
Thor is summoned to the Baxter Building and he enters to discover it is a surprise party thrown by the Fantastic Four to thank him for saving Franklin from Doctor Doom during the Heroes Reborn event. [...]
Thor Annual #2000
0 stars

Thor Annual #2000

January 2000
Thor Annual #2001
0 stars

Thor Annual #2001

March 2001
Thor Annual #2009
0 stars

Thor Annual #2009

September 2009
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