Comic Book: Winter Soldier

James "Bucky" Barnes, former Captain America, sets out on a new mission to undo the harm he caused in his previous career as the brainwashed Soviet assassin, Winter Soldier!

Data Sheet:
Feb 2012 to Jun 2013

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes

(James Barnes)
Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier

(James Buchanan Barnes)
Black Widow
Black Widow

(Natasha Romanoff)
Nick Fury
Nick Fury

(Nicholas Fury)
Winter Soldier #1
Winter Soldier #1

(Feb 2012)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 19

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Winter Soldier #1
4 stars

Winter Soldier #1

February 2012
"(No title given)"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, and Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, are in Las Vegas, posing as glamorous guests at the Red King casino. They sneak into a restricted area and enter a secret door that leads to a long-forgotten Soviet base. [...]
Winter Soldier #2
4 stars

Winter Soldier #2

February 2012
"The Longest Winter, Part Two"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Bucky Barnes (the Winter Soldier) and the Black Widow are assaulting a secret facility to stop the terrorist group R.A.I.D. from recovering the third Soviet sleeper agent, when they were fired upon by a Russian-speaking gorilla with a machine gun. [...]
Winter Soldier #3
4 stars

Winter Soldier #3

March 2012
"The Longest Winter, Part Three"
Script: Ed Brubaker
On a deserted New York dock, the Red Ghost has brought Nico Stanovich, handler of the first of the Soviet sleepers, to be executed by his own charge, Dmitri. [...]
Winter Soldier #4
4 stars

Winter Soldier #4

April 2012
"The Longest Winter, Part Four"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes and the Black Widow have made contact with Doctor Doom and have warned him about Lucia von Bardas’ plot to wreak havoc with her stolen Doombot. Doom traces the Doombot’s whereabouts to the United Nations Building. [...]
Winter Soldier #5
4 stars

Winter Soldier #5

May 2012
"The Longest Winter, Part 5 of 5"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Lucia von Bardas has seized control of Doctor Doom’s secret missile silo in the Latverian Alps, with the aid of the Red Ghost and the Soviet Zephyr agent Dmitri. Nick Fury is learning from the Winter Soldier and Black Widow that she gained the launch codes from her purchased Doombot. [...]
Winter Soldier #6
4 stars

Winter Soldier #6

June 2012
"Broken Arrow: Prologue"
Script: Ed Brubaker
On the trail of the Zephyr Agent unaccounted for at the end of the previous issue, Winter Soldier James "Bucky" Barnes visits the site in San Francisco where the killer was kept in stasis. There, he discovers A.I.M. agents scavenging the premises. [...]
Winter Soldier #7
4 stars

Winter Soldier #7

June 2012
"Broken Arrow: Part Two [sic]"
Script: Ed Brubaker
At a secret research facility in New Mexico, the last remaining Zephyr agent, Leo Novokov, takes down all the staff he encounters and kidnaps a scientist….. [...]
Winter Soldier #8
3 stars

Winter Soldier #8

July 2012
"Broken Arrow: Part Two"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Winter Soldier and a SHIELD team rush to the site where Black Widow was captured by rogue Zephyr agent Leo Novokov. Elsewhere, Novokov forces Soviet brainwashing expert Professor Rodchenko to aid him in his scheme of revenge by threatening the man’s family. His subject? The captured Black Widow. [...]
Winter Soldier #9
3 stars

Winter Soldier #9

August 2012
"Broken Arrow: Part Three"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Bucky Barnes is at loose ends, worrying about the fate of his partner and lover the Black Widow, who has been kidnapped by the rogue Soviet agent Leo Novokov. SHIELD Agent Jasper Sitwell tries to put himself in the mind of their enemy and he eventually deduces where Natasha might be…. [...]
Winter Soldier #10
4.5 stars

Winter Soldier #10

September 2012
"(Widow Hunt: Part One)"
Script: Ed Brubaker
James "Bucky" Barnes, the Winter Soldier, is summoned to the SHIELD Helicarrier where Maria Hill briefs him on the shocking events which have just taken place. The Black Widow, rescued from Leo Novokov last issue, was being examined and questioned to learn whether her brainwashing had been reversed. [...]
Winter Soldier #11
3.5 stars

Winter Soldier #11

September 2012
"Black Widow Hunt: Part Two"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes and Hawkeye watch the surveillance tapes that show the brainwashed Black Widow in Manhattan. She is seen in pursuit of a speeding car before bringing out a rocket launcher and blasting her quarry to bits. [...]
Winter Soldier #12
4 stars

Winter Soldier #12

October 2012
"Widow Hunt: Part 3"
Script: Ed Brubaker
On a dark rainy night in New York, Wolverine is stalking a target—but the quarry is instead stalking him. [...]
Winter Soldier #13
3 stars

Winter Soldier #13

November 2012
"Black Widow Hunt: Part Four of Five"
Script: Ed Brubaker
James Barnes, brainwashed into resuming the deadly persona of the Soviet assassin Winter Soldier by the villain Leo Novokov, is trying to kill Daredevil. Wolverine and Hawkeye are racing to Matt Murdock’s new home, hoping that Bucky doesn’t know that the lawyer no longer lives in Hell’s Kitchen. [...]
Winter Soldier #14
3 stars

Winter Soldier #14

January 2013
"Black Widow Hunt: Conclusion"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Searching for Leo Novokov and the brainwashed Black Widow, Captain America and Hawkeye capture Novokov’s weapons maker Marvin Martin as he tries to leave the country and learn that he has created a massive bomb for his employer. [...]
Winter Soldier #15
4 stars

Winter Soldier #15

February 2013
"Skin to Shed"
Script: Jason Latour
A pair of SHIELD SuperSEALs are sent into space to retrieve a wayward satellite. [...]
Winter Soldier #16
4 stars

Winter Soldier #16

March 2013
"Closer than Enemies"
Script: Jason Latour
Thirty years ago: carrying out his assignment Soviet assassin Winter Soldier spies on the remote cabin where defecting scientist Dr. Linus Tarasova and his handler, SHIELD Agent Gina Autry are holed up. [...]
Winter Soldier #17
3.5 stars

Winter Soldier #17

April 2013
"A Dark and Heavy Star"
Script: Jason Latour
Thirty years ago: the Winter Soldier has carried out the assassinations of defecting scientist Dr. Linus Tarasova and his handler, SHIELD Agent Gina Autry at the remote cabin. [...]
Winter Soldier #18
4 stars

Winter Soldier #18

May 2013
"The Phantom Limb Technique"
Script: Jason Latour
Tesla Tarasova, the Electric Ghost, relates her secret origin to the gravely wounded Winter Soldier. After her father was killed by Bucky, she was taken by Father Hammer to The Orphanage, where children were trained to be killers for the Soviet cause. [...]
Winter Soldier #19
3.5 stars

Winter Soldier #19

June 2013
"It Ends with a Kiss"
Script: Jason Latour
Having saved the life of the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), the Electric Ghost (Tesla Tarasova) surprises him with a kiss. She reveals that her father allowed himself to be slain by the Winter Soldier to prevent his discovery from falling into the hands of the Soviets who would use it as a weapon. [...]
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