Comic Book: World War Hulk

Hulk declares war to those who cast him away to space. 6 issues.

Data Sheet:
May 2007 to Sep 2007

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Stephen Strange)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Anthony Stark)

(Robert Bruce Banner)
Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

(Reed Richards)
World War Hulk #0
World War Hulk #0

(May 2007)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 6

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

World War Hulk #0
3 stars

World War Hulk #0

May 2007
"Casus Belli"
Script: Peter David
The Hulk and his warbound allies are on his way to Earth aboard a stone starship. Hulk's on board the ship as if with it he were surfing the cosmos waves. While on route, the ship's attacked by alien pirates. Immersed in blind rage, the Hulk imagines the oppressors as being Mr. [...]
World War Hulk #1
4 stars

World War Hulk #1

June 2007
Script: Greg Pak
Hulk has returned to Earth, angrier (and STRONGER!) than ever. He wants to avenge the nearly destruction of planet Sakaar, caused by the blast of the capsule he was sent to space in, as it was arranged by Mr. Fantastic, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt and Iron Man. [...]
World War Hulk #2
5 stars

World War Hulk #2

July 2007
Script: Greg Pak
While Doctor Strange prepares a spell to defeat the Hulk, the angry green monster advances through New York defeating EVERYONE in his way (She-Hulk, Ares, Doc Samson, Mr. [...]
World War Hulk #3
4 stars

World War Hulk #3

August 2007
Script: Greg Pak
As Thunderbolt Ross' men attack the Hulk from all sides, Doctor Strange enters the mind of the Hulk to reach Bruce Banner. Bruce takes Strange to a deserted and destroyed area of planet Sakaar and tells him about how his wife Caiera died. [...]
World War Hulk #4
4 stars

World War Hulk #4

October 2007
"Let the Worlds Within and the World Without Tremble in their Orbits"
Script: Greg Pak
In Madison Square Garden, Doctor Strange (who channeled the powers of an extra dimensional demon named Zom), easily defeats Hiroim destroying his arm from the elbow down. The Hulk leaps to the rescue but he is also easily dispatched by the super powered Strange to the middle of New York. [...]
World War Hulk #5
5 stars

World War Hulk #5

November 2007
Script: Greg Pak
Right before Reed Richards applies the mortal blow upon Tony Stark, the Hulk deactivates the Obedience Disks, saving all their lives. And the Hulk says "Remember this, puny humans. We came here for justice. Not murder. So no one on your planet has died by our hands. And no one will". [...]
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