Amazing Spider-Man, The (1963 series) #119 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Peter Parker's Aunt May receives a mysterious telegram from a Jean-Pierre Rimbaud in Montreal. Fearing a connection to Dr. Octopus, Peter decides to investigate as Spider-Man. Seeing on the TV news that the Hulk is in Canada, Peter persuades J. Jonah Jameson to finance his trip to Canada by sending Peter to photograph the Hulk. Arriving in Montreal and unable to get in touch with Rimbaud, Peter attends a press briefing given by General Thunderbolt Ross who is acting as advisor to the Canadian military in their battle with the Hulk. The briefing is interrupted by a report that the Hulk has been sighted at a power station on the Saint Lawrence Seaway, and everyone heads to the spot. Peter hitches a ride on a truck full of reporters but when they arrive on the scene, that truck is thrown off a cliff by the Hulk. Peter dons his Spider-Man suit and is caught in the crossfire between Hulk and the military. Jade Jaws leaps off to the Maskattawan Dam with Spidey in pursuit. Hulk starts to bash through the dam and Spidey rushes to lower the dams water pressure and prevent a major flood. The dam wall collapses on the Hulk and a huge concrete slab falls on Spider-Man, carrying him to the bottom of the lake....