In Pleasant Hill, Steve Rogers is trying to come to terms
with recovering his Super-Soldier powers (last issue); meanwhile, Sam Wilson,
the current Captain America, worries that Steve will take the job back; Winter Soldier (Bucky
Barnes) tries to sympathize but his own resignation came with a treason trial.
Postponing his concerns, Steve tells the others they have to find Kobik before
the bad guys do....
Meanwhile, Baron Zemo has made finding Kobik the number one
priority. Fixer has devised a containment unit to hold her once they find her
and Kraven the Hunter steps forward to lead the search....
On their search for Kobik, Steve, Sam, and Bucky come upon
Mach VII of the Thunderbolts, being beaten by a gang of baddies; they step in
and clobber the crooks (Whiplash, Scorcher, and two others)....
SHIELD Agent Avril Kincaid heads to the museum to recover
weapons hidden there for an emergency and discovers the place being looted by
the Fast Five, a team of roller skating bad guys. She confronts them in the
enclosed space and takes down four of them with the curator coming to her
rescue by conking the last baddie on the noggin....
Kraven leads Trapster and Fixer out to a clearing in the
woods, where he sets a trap for Kobik: a children's birthday party....
After the battle, Steve and Sam apologize and make up and
Steve also apologizes to Bucky for leaving him in the shadows. All they have to
do now is stop Zemo's revolt. Not to worry [last page reveal]: here come the
Added Villains: Bushwacker, Cutthroat, Jack O'Lantern, Trapster