Atop Mount Everest in 1968, a young man named Ran Shon employs a lion statuette to gain entrance into the lair of Fin Fang Foom. He requests of the dragon great power and is granted it….
Today in Brooklyn, the Falcon drops by the apartment of Steve Rogers and is apprehended by Steve’s deadly houseguest Jet Black. Making a hasty introduction, Steve suits up as Captain America and joins his high-flying pal on a jaunt across the rooftops. On the way he explains his exile in Dimension Z along with his and Jet’s losses. Cap confides in his friend the feelings of meaninglessness he faces, while Falcon offers what comfort he can….
In the Eastern European nation of Nrosvekistan, a young photojournalist from the Daily Bugle has come upon the carnage left by the villain Nuke—and suspects a connection to a rash of disappearances of the world’s richest people. Not far away, Nuke, spouting pro-American propaganda, drops from a copter and unleashes his big guns on the nation’s military, while keeping in contact with his hidden controller, a shadowy figure in China.
In China, this mysterious warlord is revealed to be behind the disappearances of the wealthy and powerful, setting them to slave labor in his goal to abolish all class and social distinctions around the world, this dragon-eyed mastermind who calls himself the Iron Nail….