Nighthawk has been kidnapped by Tapping Tommy, a lunatic theater performer, who sends a rescue note to Doctor Strange with some low-payed goons. The wizard gets the message and while Wong takes care of the visitors, Valkyrie and the Hulk are contacted for help. The trio reaches the installations where Bird-Nose is kept captive. After watching carefully the madman's moves, the heroes break in. Strange and the Asgardian woman easily defeat the goons while the Hulk takes on a powerful robot created by Hodges, Tommy's assistant. Nighthawk is untied in the process. But they're all surprised by a powerful sleepy gas thrown by the criminal. After waking up, they find themselves tied with strong bonds to a theatrical background. Robots wearing tuxedos start attacking them, but they break free and smash the attackers. Valkyrie breaks Hodge's control panel, Strange captures Tommy, and the Hulk puts him to sleep by knocking him with his forehead. It's the end of this crazy theater "play".