In a dark mood,
Thor visits his adoptive mother Freyja on a remote world where she hunts giant
beasts. He wants her advice, knowing that his death is imminent. He tells her
of his son Magni, who arrived out of an alternate history to succeed him on the
throne and mothered by the villain Amora the Enchantress. His vision of being
killed by Thanos is again weighing heavily on his heart. He vows that no one
will take his impending death from him. Freyja knows he needs no advice from
her—but they are interrupted by Sif, appearing, to announce that Toranos has
been delivered to Asgard…
…they return to
Asgard to find Toranos, the Utgard-Thor, crucified on the Wheel of Fate, storms
raging through the heavens. Thor cannot stop the storms and is outraged that
this is happening in the realm he rules over. He asks Toranos what has
happened. Toranos explained that it was Thor’s infecting him with compassion so
that when he returned to his fellow Utgard-Gods and told them about the concept
of mercy, thew grew angry and nailed him to the Wheel. They sent him to Asgard
to tell Thor that the Black Bridge over the Vimur has reopened so he must
journey to the gate of the Utgard-Land and wait for the gate to open. Thor puts
Toranos out of his misery and gathers his weapons for the trip….
On the edge of
the Black Bridge, he refuses to allow Sif to accompany him and rejects her suggestion
to take an army of warriors. She issues him, hoping it is not a kiss goodbye.
But she still worries as he sets out….
Thor walks
through the dense forest, trusting that his weapons, the axe Tormod, the belt
Yolgjord, and the hammer Mjolnir will be enough to protect him from what may
come—but the narrator informs us that Mjolnir doesn’t count: the real third
weapon Thor does not have. At the gate, Thor is confronted by his longtime
enemy the Executioner, backed by Thanos….