After his ordeal with the Jack of Hearts (last issue), Hulk comes out of the water, wet and mad, as hitmen fire at him. They end up in the middle of the river with their car included. As Hulk walks the streets of New York City, he finds Jim Wilson, who provides a recent change of clothes as the green goliath turns into Bruce Banner. Both walk to Banner's apartment to find April Sommers and Kropotkin arguing on the sidewalk. As Banner apologizes to her for his recent behavior (he asked her to leave his unit), a beam from the sky surrounds him and pulls him up!
Meanwhile, on SHIELD's Heli-Carrier,
Thunderbolt Ross,
Clay Quartermain and
Gaffer discover who the intruder was: the
Bi-Beast. He (actually, "they", skull-brothers) kidnapped the SHIELD vessel to make it their new home. Their island-in-the-sky got destroyed following a confrontation with the Hulk, the Harpy and MODOK (in
Hulk #169). Their android twin brother perished in the blast, and they fell to the ocean on their bio-capsule, which was later picked up by SHIELD (as told in
Hulk #212). With their world destroyed, the Bi-Beast seeks revenge by destroying our world by launching atomic missiles from the flying vessel.
When all SHIELD efforts to subdue the Bi-Beast fail, Thunderbolt Ross brings his worst enemy as an aid, the incredible Hulk! A vortex beam engulfs Banner, and he gets pulled into the Heli-Carrier. Of course, the trip stress makes him turn into the Hulk. His first reaction is to leave but, when he finds out he's miles above ground, he turns against his captors. Thunderbolt Ross tricks the Hulk into following him to end up near the Bi-Beast. When the intruder sees the Hulk, he attacks him with powerful laser beams.