Hulk wants to seek the answer to his loneliness among the stars. He makes an outstanding leap that takes him to orbit. Lack of air knocks him out and gravity pulls him back to Earth, falling like a burning meteorite.
Waking up as Bruce Banner, he witnesses a rocket launch. He rushes towards the control room and discovers through the monitors that the crew is being bombarded by cosmic rays. After a brilliant reprogramming of the rocket’s navigation, the ship changes its trajectory returning to Earth. But it’s too late: the cosmic rays did affect the crew (note: this is how the Fantastic Four got their powers).
The four individuals who were on the ship now have super powers and call themselves the U-Foes. They are Vector, Vapor, X-Ray and Ironclad.
Blaming Banner for receiving fewer cosmic rays than intended (they actually wanted to be mightier than the Fantastic Four), they attack him. Banner turns into Hulk and levels the fight. But the villains prove too powerful, even for Jade Jaws!
Lacking practice, they don’t attain victory. And suddenly, they suffer side effects from cosmic poisoning and pass out or get dispersed. Hulk walks away.