Walking away from the Changeling’s town, Hulk finds Doc Samson and fights him.
Meanwhile, Siren, the flying Changeling, discovers Leoninus poisoned Centaurus and rushes to search for proper help: the Hulk! She convinces both gamma-spawned titans to use their energies in saving their friends.
At the village, the evil Changelings have gone against Woodgod, who doesn’t want to kill Betty Ross, Rick Jones, Fred Sloan, and Thunderbolt Ross, considered guilty for the death of Centaurus.
When Hulk, Doc Samson, and Siren arrive to the town, she lets everyone know Leoninus is guilty for poisoning Centaurus, and a battle between the good and evil sides starts. It's a very interesting battle, with the good guys becoming victorious.
No longer considered guilty, all humans are free to go. But Sloan, who fell in love with Siren, stays.
Hulk ruins the happy ending because he feels hurt by his friends considering him a monster and leaps away.