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Incredible Hulk #602: Review

Sep 2009
Greg Pak, Ariel Olivetti

Story Name:


Review & Comments

3 stars

Incredible Hulk #602 Review by (February 15, 2010)
Great art by Ariel Olivetti, but a somewhat lame story by Greg Pak except for some well achieved comedy as when when Banner and Skaar visit the comic shop.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Incredible Hulk #602 Synopsis by Julio Molina-Muscara
Juggernaut comes looking for revenge. First he attacks Bruce Banner who's unhurt thanks to his force fields, and then goes one-on-one against Skaar, the Son of Hulk. It's an even battle between the two powerhouses that ends without a KO but a victor: Skaar, who sends Juggy into orbit with a right hand punch. 

Later, Banner takes Skaar to a comic book store to show him a Conan comic book so Skaar understands why he's called that way. And suddenly, Wolverine appears asking for a match. 

Story #2

Clash Of Furies (part 2)

Writer: Fred Van Lente. Penciler: Michael Ryan. Inker: Michael Ryan. Colorist: Guru-eFX.

Synopsis / Summary / Plot

At the beginning of this story, we learn that Norman Osborn, head of HAMMER, financed the ORIGINS Corporation, and released General Ryker from jail to put him in command of the Corporation. Ryker has experience with mutations and inaculation of super powers; Osborn would like to use Lyra's organs to synthesize her super powers, and sell them for the right price. So Osborn wants to capture Lyra, plus her A.I. wrist computer Boudicca, which has files Lyra got from HAMMER.

Note: Lyra is the Hulk's daughter from a distant future.

Aberration has Boudicca, and hits Lyra hard while the Savage She-Hulk is held by Morass. But instead of getting angry, Lyra calms down. This causes her strength to increase (the opposite effect of his father). Lyra releases herself, destroys their flying ship, and leaps away.

Axon suggests they split to find her. It is Morass who does, but Lyra defeats her.

Preview Pages
Click sample interior pages to enlarge them:

Ariel Olivetti
Ariel Olivetti
Ariel Olivetti
Ariel Olivetti (Cover Penciler)


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner

(Robert Bruce Banner)

(Bruce Banner)

(Cain Marko)

(Savage She-Hulk)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Aberration, Axon, General Ryker, Morass.

> Incredible Hulk: Book info and issue index

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