A young couple
is speeding down a highway in a convertible when the car is hit by a flying
werewolf. It flips over and bursts into flames. The girl sees that the guy is
dead then she sees the wolf on the other side….
Charlie Tidwell
is woken by Hulk’s snoring in the cabin they have borrowed. She finds a plastic
star, like one from the girl’s phone, and steps into the bathroom where she
finds the girl’s dismembered body in a room drenched in blood. Terrified, she
slams the door and tells Hulk the toilet is busted then hurries him out of
As they walk
through the woods, Hulk hears Banner calling to him from a tree, telling him
that Charlie is being changed. Hulk punches the tree and keeps walking. Charlie
figures out it was Banner locked away in Hulk’s brain but Hulk insists there is
no Banner. Neither one notices that they are being followed by a goblin-like
They stop for
the night by a campfire, Hulk brooding on Varcolac’s words that all who wear
the skin of Lycana are damned to his realm for eternity. Charlie offers to get
some food but she is rebuffed by Hulk. She wanders into the woods and turns her
hand into a wolf-like claw to snatch a snake from the pond. As she is about to
bite into it, a voice calls her name. She sees Banner’s image in the pond, telling
her that she can see him because she is now a monster too. She confesses that
she thinks she killed someone and Banner tells that’s how it starts. They must separate
her from Lycana and make her human again. But she resists, enjoying the
strength that comes with being a monster. Banner advises her to go to New York
City to find Doctor Strange, perhaps he can help her….
The next day,
Charlie hesitantly suggests to Hulk that they go to Upstate New York to hide
but Hulk refuses. She grows angry and walks away. And the goblin thing follows
her. Hiding behind a dumpster, she watches some kids playing basketball in a
playground. She
steps out of her Charlie skin into the skin of the girl she killed and
approaches the kids, asking if she can play too. The goblin finds the discarded
As Hulk, walks
through the woods, the goblin in Charlie’s skin tries to convince Hulk it is really