3600 years ago,
Enkidu, the proto-Hulk, arrived in Nineveh and encountered a massive giant
slave driver. Enkidu beats the much larger monster to death and frees the
slaves. He enters the temple where the Child-God Eldest reigns. She asks about
the green fire in his flesh and she announces he belongs to her, gift of her
Mother, who is imprisoned beneath the Earth and she recognizes the power of the
green door. A magical battle ends with Eldest taking on Enkidu’s body. She
opens the gate to the underworld but a voice informs her that her mother’s
sentence is not yet ended, unleashing a holocaust of green flame. The heat
drives Eldest out of Enkidu’s body and he tears her in half and forces her face
into the fire before they are both consumed. The monsters fled in fear of the
One Below All and humans reclaimed the city….
In her lavish
Las Vegas apartment, the current incarnation of the Eldest concludes her story
as the modern-day Hulk approaches….