Iron Man (1968 series) #289 synopsis by
T Vernon
The Living Laser bursts into James Rhodes' office intent on taking his revenge against Tony Stark. Rhodey tells him Stark is dead and offers him a job with Stark Enterprises. Laser is interested, figuring he could always destroy everyone later if he needs to. Rhodey gives him a tour of the research labs and dashes off to don the silver armor which has been newly painted with Prismapolymer Refractive Coating and returns to face the villain. The disappointed Living Laser and the shiny new Iron Man battle their way through the building until Rhodey gets his foe right where he wants him—the laser focusing chamber. Activating a switch, a wide-beam communications laser fires toward the Andromeda Galaxy; Living Laser is absorbed into the beam, denouncing the hero for his cruelty, and shot into the farthest reaches of space.....
Later, Rhodey goes over to see Rae Lacoste, pouring out to her the guilt he feels for what he did to Living Laser....
Realizing they can not trust Morgan Stark to carry through the plot against Stark Enterprises, bad guy Osamu Moroboshi contacts his superiors about an alternate plan....
The following day, Rhodey is called down to the cryogenic labs by an apologetic Erica Sondheim and Abe Zimmer. They show him that Tony Stark is still alive. In a burst of anger, Rhodey shouts “I quit!”....
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Erica Sondheim, Iron Man (
James Rhodes), Morgan Stark, Osamu Moroboshi, Rae LaCoste.