After a series of escapes, consumer activist Joe Barger is making a fact-finding tour of Ryker’s Island prison, accompanied by Tony Stark whose company created the high-tech security system at the prison. Inside, they see various villains—Sandman, Electro, Gray Gargoyle, and Doctor Octopus—in special cages tailored to overcome their individual powers, with the latter’s tentacles held in stasis. But Doc Ock has a surprise: his more powerful adamantium arms are being studied at Stark International. He exerts his mental powers and calls to them—and at Stark, they respond and come to him, fighting their way through the scientists, then the security guards. Tony gets word, dashes off and dons his armor and Iron Man arrives at the site to battle the tentacles. They fight to a standstill but Shellhead is alerted to a staffer, Cherry Wood, trapped in the rubble and he reluctantly lets the tentacles go free to rescue the injured woman. The tentacles arrive at the prison and break Doc Ock out of his cell; the other three baddies appeal to Ock to release them too and he does. So, when Iron Man arrives at the prison, he has four bad guys to contend with. He blasts Sandman with his repulsor rays and the flying sand blinds Electro, who accidentally shocks the Gray Gargoyle, allowing Iron Man to break the villain’s wrists and slam him to the ground. The hero then lures Sandman into the showers and soaks him into a muddy mess. Going after Ock, Shellhead finds him easily—and the adamantium tentacles just as easily rip his chest plate off and he escapes. Later, as the news media reports on Iron Man’s embarrassing defeat, Tony Stark takes a drink….
There are also some pin-ups by Steacy:-
Full-page portraits of Conan, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Nick Fury, and a group with Thing and Franklin Richards, with Reed and Sue in the background.