Confronting the angry John Steele who is holding a technician hostage, Steve Rogers convinces him that the techs are all Life Model Decoys. Steve then holds off the former super-soldier until John Aman (Prince of Orphans) materializes and overpowers him. The two men are then returned to the memory reading machine and put back to Steele’s final mission during World War 2….
John Steele and Captain America split up to explore the Nazi castle. Cap is approached by the Prince of Orphans who warns him of danger. A giant centipede-like creature rampages through the castle and Cap, instead of escaping, lures the monster outside to kill it. Meanwhile, Steele reaches the point where his memory grows dim: He discovers the Shadow Council enacting an occult ceremony. Knowing who they are summoning from the dead, Steele rushes in, gun blazing. In his recklessness he is easily overcome by the villain. Director Aloysius Thorndrake reveals that Steele was lured there, having once been a part of their cult. The Council completes their ritual and reality rips open and Steele sees the abyss…. When Cap and the Price of Orphans return, the castle is in ruins, with no one to be found.
Back in the present, John Steele is in his right mind once again. He warns Steve about the Shadow Council which is intent on world domination. Steve asks him to be a part of the team trying to take them down….
Story #2(No title given)
Nick Spencer.Penciler:
Scot Eaton. Inker:
Jaime Mendoza. Colorist:
Frank D'Armata. Letterer:
Dave Lanphear.
By ?Rating:

A high-security data storage facility near Gstad, Switzerland is penetrated by a bad guy in the uniform of the
Captain/USAgent. Shortly thereafter information is leaked revealing the names of criminals, organizations, and government informants. This leads to the deaths of many named, as
Mister Negative kills his weapons-maker….
Steve Rogers assembles the
Secret Avengers and gives them the names of 419 of the Avengers’ own informants who need to be rescued in the next thirty minutes before the info is fully disseminated to the world. They can’t rescue all of them; the one they are after, according to Steve, is
Benjamin Abrams,
A.I.M. researcher who helped prevent a biological attack on Boston….
With a variation on her usual seduction techniques,
Black Widow learns the exact location where Abrams is working.
Valkyrie invades A.I.M. HQ backed up by
War Machine, and
Ant-Man and they rescue Abrams but learn that he was a decoy, the real agent is his wife working from home;
Moon Knight is dispatched to find
Mrs. Abrams—but he is too late….
Just as “The Captain” finishes recording his message claiming responsibility for the leak as a strike against self-appointed unaccountable protectors, Steve Rogers breaks in and punches his face out. Steve explains that what sets him (and the Secret Avengers) apart from terrorists is that he’d never let people die just to prove his point….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Mr. Negative.