Silver Surfer (1987 series) #18 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Last issue the In-betweener tried to kill Galactus by sending him through a black hole to the universe IB came from ruled by Lord Chaos and Master Order. But Silver Surfer, Invisible Woman and Mr Fantastic plus Chaos & Order saved Big G. Now Galan is out for revenge.
He emerges from his own side of the black hole with SS, IW, MrF in tow along with young Franklin Richards and his current Herald Nova (Frankie Raye) plus 5 Elders Of The Universe (Champion, Collector, Gardener, Grandmaster and Runner) who he had previously eaten (#10). He launches straight into battle with his foe who has made himself Galactus-sized.
Reed & Sue Richards made a deal with Order & Chaos last issue which delivers them and their son safely into their spaceship (which was actually provided by Galactus). In return they are supposed to subdue IB and return him to O&C in their universe. Reed expects him to be beaten by Galactus. The In-Betweener has 1 of the 6 Soul Gems (the 1 once worn by Adam Warlock) but the EOTU have the other 5 between them. They already start arguing as to who should have the Gems. Grandmaster wagers his Gem against anyone's that In-Betweener will win, and Champion takes that bet.
The 2 giant combatants trade blows and smash asteroids in their struggle. Meanwhile of course they talk. Big G says he's going to destroy IB (and not deliver him up to O&C). IB reminds him that Order & Chaos created him to be the balance point between them and all other dualities, and as such he can use the extremes of all powers. We have seen him defeat things by summoning their opposites. But Galan reminds *him* that he like IB himself is unique and there is no anti-Galactus to be summoned. He points out that IB is near-omnipotent in his own realm but now they are in *his* universe. But IB says this universe is now *his*.
Nova wants to help her master but Surfer holds her back because it is Galactus' battle alone. Frankie decries this as macho nonsense like when SS fought the Skrull Surfer (#14). Norrin Radd counters that it was and is a matter of identity. IB wants to take G's place in this universe. Meanwhile Galan reminds everyone that he is the sole survivor of the previous universe. He is survival because he is destruction. IB suggests this means they are alike in being the union of opposites, but G claims to be the *absence* of opposites.
In the spaceship Franklin (now preferring to be called Frank) asks his dad what an Ultimate Nullifier is, which he dreamed about when he and Nova were hiding inside Galactus (last issue). Reed tells him that the UN (which the Fantastic Four used to frighten Galactus away from Earth in the classic FF#50) can destroy the universe and it's too powerful for any of them to use, but his 6-year old son says he dreamed how to make it work. Dad says he may have the power to handle the Nullifier when he's older, but not now - and forbids him do anything. In a whisper he reminds mother Sue that Franklin was wise enough to put a damper on his own power until later (FF#245). But they don't notice him sneak out into space in a small spacesuit.
The big battle continues (with more asteroids suffering). But then In-Betweener points out that Galactus' self-definition as the absence of opposites and IB's being the union of all opposites means that *he* is Galactus' opposite. And the pair meet in a fireball.
Runner says it looks like neither of the combatants is going to win. Collector reminds them that the In-Betweener forced Death to take 3 of their brothers (Astronomer. Possessor and Trader) (last issue). For their own sake they should be helping kill him. Gardener agrees but Grandmaster doesn't believe Death would break her oath to refuse to allow them to enter her realm (in Avengers Annual #16), so he'll risk letting the fight play out to see who wins the wager. Champion agrees with the others but GM refuses to let him welch on their bet.
Reed & Sue notice Frank's gone and deduce he's gone for the Ultimate Nullifier on Galactus' huge globe ship. His dream probably told him where to find it. Reed drives their ship to the bigger vessel. Sue remembers where her brother Johnny Storm located it (Human Torch guided by the Watcher in FF#50) and she hopes that Galan recreated his destroyed ship in exact detail (Secret Wars #9) as she mentally sends out her power to render the device invisible. And it works as the kid approaches where he expected it to be. His parents arrive immensely relieved, because they know that the UN also destroys whoever uses it.
Despite the fireball the 2 big guys are still duking it out. IB still claims to be G's opposite, with equal power. Galactus responds that IB is still unused to that power, giving *him* the advantage. But IB points out that they're falling into the black hole where they'll be at the balance point between their 2 realms which is where *he* will be strongest. And he adds that if Galan tries to use his power to stop their fall he'll have to lessen the power he uses against his opponent.
Nova tells Silver Surfer that if this is a battle for identity then *her* identity is as Galactus' Herald and she's going to live up to it. We don't hear them discuss a plan but we see them separate. Nova enters the small spaceship where the Richards' trio have returned, and then that ship flies towards the black hole while Surfer heads to the Elders. The ship flies through the black hole past the struggling behemoths and into the magic universe beyond (1st time for Nova). They take up a position and Nova leaves the ship. Meanwhile in the 'real' universe Surfer tells the Elders Nova's plan. They fire the combined might of their Soul Gems with Surfer's Power Cosmic into the black hole (with Champion smothering Grandmaster's objections). They push and Nova & the Richards somehow pull with the result that both Galactus and In-Betweener emerge into the magic universe where Order & Chaos capture their rebellious minion. That duo then sends Galactus & co back through the wormhole where Nova and Surfer celebrate their victory.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Champion, Elders Of The Universe, In-Betweener, Lord Chaos, Master Order, Nova (
Frankie Raye), Runner.