Thor confronts the feared Destroyer; Loki helpfully explains how the deadly device fell into the hands of Galactus and Loki used the distraction of the great being’s battle with the Fantastic Four (in FF #172-175) to sneak aboard Galactus’ ship and make off with the prize. The God of Thunder and his mechanical foe shake the palace with their fight until the very floor collapses beneath them….
In the underground tunnels, the Warriors Three are on the trail of the Enchantress and the Executioner who have carried off the sleeping Odin. They are rocked by the battle upstairs and decide to go up and investigate….
At the city’s gates, Sif and Karnilla arrive; when denied entrance, the Norn Queen turns the guards into frogs….
The Destroyer has the advantage over Thor but he is rescued by the arrival of his three comrades. Thor, knowing they are no match for the Destroyer, topples a pillar creating a barrier between the combatants. Thor sends the three heroes back to the search for Odin; leaving the palace, they spot three of Loki’s co-conspirators, Kroda the Duelist, Magrat the Schemer, and Snaykar the Skulker. They heroes secretly pursue the villains….
Back in the throne room, Thor is in desperate straits. Sif, Karnilla, and the Recorder arrive and the Norn Queen takes on the Destroyer but discovers with a shock Loki’s latest trick: the deadly device is powered by the spirit of Balder….