Comic Browser:


Avengers Academy #15

Jun 2011
Christos N. Gage, Tom Raney

Story Name:

No Unwounded Soldiers


Avengers Academy #15 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

In the wake of Sin’s release of the Serpent, the Asgardian God of Fear, there is a mass breakout at the Raft. Steve Rogers contacts Giant-Man to inform him that the Avengers are rushing to the sites where several hammers have fallen from the sky; Steve wants Hank’s team to reinforce the Thunderbolts in dealing with the Raft. In spite of both their fears, Hank declares the students of Avengers Academy ready to help out, in civilian rescue. Hank gathers Tigra, Quicksilver, Justice, and Jocasta but teammate Speedball can’t be found. Hank asks Tigra to stay with the students; at first, she is angry, assuming Hank is being protective of her but he assures her that, with her powers looking the least useful in this sort of combat, she is given the most important role of protecting the students. She agrees. So Jocasta opens a door to Long Island, and the team assembles to capture the deadly fugitives….

The students (Mettle, Finesse, Reptil, Veil, Striker, Hazmat) are in the training room when Tigra brings word that Washington D.C. is under attack. She tells them that the enemy is led by Sin, bearing a magic hammer; there are Avengers on the ground so the students will be evacuating civilians only. Tigra impresses on them the urgency of this mission and so they step through the door Jocasta opens…

…and walk into a nightmare. Jocasta contacts Giant-Man to tell him that the students have been deployed; he wants to head to the scene but he is busy with the Raft fugitives. Tigra rescues a young police officer who reminds her of her husband who died in the line of duty and hustles him through a teleportation door to a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, so that the emergency facilities in Washington and New York are not overwhelmed. Tigra returns to where the kids are fighting Nazi war machines; she must convince Striker to not panic as he has been “killed” before in battle with Korvac; he manages to set up a defensive shield before joining Hazmat against an enemy. Mettle hurls a lamppost which kills the driver of a Nazi machine and he is stunned at having killed someone; Tigra has to give him a talk about how this is necessary to save lives and the difference between him and the man he killed is that Mettle cares before sending him back into the fray….

Giant-Man and his team return to New York and Hank desires to go to Washington immediately but Jocasta assures him the students are doing well but he is needed elsewhere: Absorbing Man, possessed by Greithoth, Breaker of Wills, and Titania by Skirn, Breaker of Men, are terrorizing Dubai. Maria Hill tells him he is the only one available to respond; he has beaten Absorbing Man in the past—but now the villain is powered up by the alien hammer. So Hank steps through the doorway to the Middle East. Back in Washington, the students are enduring their baptism of fire while Hank comes face-to-face with a giant Absorbing Man….


Review / Commentaries

Avengers Academy #15 Review by (October 16, 2024)

Review: Intense issue has Giant-Man and Tigra worrying about the students who are going on their first mission during the hellscape that is the Fear Itself event. The two moments we have with the students are fairly predictable: one afraid of dying and one afraid of killing. More in the next issue. The real thrill is the hammer-powered Crusher Creel and Titania but most of this is next issue as well. So come back then.

Comments: Issue bannered FEAR ITSELF, as a tie-in to that event. Part one of six parts. Story takes place between FEAR ITSELF #3 and 4. Title comes from a quote by Argentine aphorist Jose Narosky, “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” Speedball is currently appearing in his own limited series in FEAR ITSELF: THE HOME FRONT. Striker’s battle with Korvac was in AVENGERS ACADEMY #11-12. Villains in cameos include Flying Tiger, Gorilla-Man (Arthur Nagan), Quicksand, and Dragonfly plus a couple of nameless convicts.

> Avengers Academy comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Tom Raney
Jeromy Cox
Billy Tan (Cover Penciler)
Billy Tan (Cover Inker)
Leonardo Olea (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Caramagna.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Absorbing Man
Absorbing Man

(Crusher Creel)

(Jocasta Pym)

(Pietro Maximoff)

(Greer Nelson)

(Mary MacPherran)

Plus: Finesse (Jeanne Foucault), Giant-Man (Scott Lang), Hazmat (Jennifer Takeda), Justice (Vance Astrovik), Mettle (Ken Mack), Reptil (Humberto Lopez), Striker (Brandon Sharpe), Veil (Madeline Berry).