Steve Rogers, his mind full of doubt and uncertainty about his choices in life, awakens in a hospital bed. Around him are his friends, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Jet Black, Nick Fury Jr., and Maria Hill. They tell him that the battle was won, the Iron Nail neutralized, Cap’s name cleared over the problem in Nrosvekistan, and there is a parade in his honor passing by the window. Hank Pym and Bruce Banner arrive with more good news: they were able to find a way to Dimension Z and have rescued Steve’s son Ian. And there’s still more: Sharon Carter is also alive; it was an LMD that perished in the battle against Arnim Zola. Everything is perfect—too perfect. Realizing he is trapped in a mindbubble, he takes the only way out: he leaps from the hospital balcony, "death" snapping him back to reality. Enraged at this violation of his family, he goes to punch out Dr. Mindbubble but the mad scientist orders several enslaved SHIELD agents to leap from, the Helicarrier. Cap is subdued by this threat to others. Iron Nail, still in his dragon-man form, orders Cap to submit to propaganda footage as part of the villainous scheme. Suddenly Jet Black arrives in a flying car, having caught the suicidal agents; she deposits them on the deck and then crashes the car into the bridge of the ship. While the woman warrior takes on Iron Nail, Mindbubble orders Nick Fury and Maria Hill to jump to their deaths. Instead Cap flings his shield, crushing the release valve on the baddie’s forehead. The mad dreams building up inside his cranium cause him to hurl himself overboard. Iron Nail defeats Jet and announces the final phase of his program—having "SHIELD" destroy Nrosvekistan and the resulting backlash will destroy America. So to that end, the Gungnir carrier transforms into a giant sword-wielding robot….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Jet Black.
Dr Mindbubble, Iron Nail.