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Captain America (2012 series) #22

on-sale: Jul 2, 2014
Rick Remender | Carlos Pacheco

Captain America (2012 series) #22 cover

Story Name:

(No title given)


Captain America (2012 series) #22 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 3 stars

One fine morning a portal opens up in New York’s Central Park and Arnim Zola’s tower appears, spilling his deadly mutates into the city to cause havoc. A lone armored warrior leaves much more quietly on a mission of his own….

At Avengers Mansion, the now powerless and elderly Steve Rogers watches a TV news program where the guest, a Mrs. Spendal, denounces Captain America and SHIELD as dangerous and unaccountable self-appointed protectors of the nation and world.  Maria Hill and Nick Fury Jr. stop by to reassure him that he stopped World War III; Steve is outraged when they reveal that Gungnir will be repaired and made ready for use, indicating he believes the criticism has some merit. Fury calmly points out that the same criticisms can apply to the Avengers….

Sam “FalconWilson wakes up to find Jet Black in his bed. He is surprised but Jet was pleased with the encounter. While smooching, she spies out the window the arrival of her father’s tower….

Arnim Zola reports to his partner the Red Skull on his mission to draw all the superheroes to New York while the Skull pursues his plans in Genosha. The Skull reveals that Captain America is no longer a problem….

At the Mansion, Bruce Banner confirms that there is no longer a trace of the Super-Soldier Serum in Steve’s body. Reports come in of the invasion of Central Park; Steve tells them it’s Arnim Zola’s work. The lone armored warrior is on the Mansion’s grounds. Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk head into battle, leaving the helpless Steve Rogers behind….

Good (or All)
Plus: Jet Black, Steve Rogers (Old self).

> Captain America (2012 series) comic book info and issue index

Captain America (2012 series) #22 cover

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Carlos Pacheco
Mariano Taibo
Dean White
Carlos Pacheco (Cover Penciler)
Carlos Pacheco (Cover Inker)
Dean White (Cover Colorist)

Review / Commentaries

Captain America (2012 series) #22 Review by (July 3, 2014)
Review: Whoa, Cap’s lost his powers! What is this, the 47th time this has happened? Well, at least they waited 2 years since the last time (seriously, issues #6-10 of the 2011 series)! Oh and a romance between Falcon and Jet Black. This is a good thing if only because it makes it highly unlikely that Jet will becomes Cap’s new girlfriend. Tony Stark and Thor seem to genuinely dislike one another, which may be a holdover from Civil War or maybe just general principles. And come on, the mystery warrior is either Ian or Sharon. And this arc is clearly laying the groundwork for AXIS (or SIXIS as the logo reads). Hope something interesting happens soon. The cover is nice though.

Comments: The Captain America costume is seen only on the cover of this issue, Steve never suits up in the story itself. First appearances of Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk in this series; Bruce Banner appeared in a hallucination in issue #20.


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