Champions (2016 series) #24 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
In Brooklyn the Champions (Brawn, Ironheart, Snowguard, Spider-Man and Viv Vision) help build a community centre they raised funds for. (Ms. Marvel is in school but Amka Aliyak and Viv's semester hasn't started yet, and Miles Morales is ducking out of choosing elective sports and clubs.) But then Spidey gets an emergency alert and dashes off. Viv tells the others her Internet connection tells her there's trouble at his school Brooklyn Visions Academy.
Spider-Man gets there to discover that there has been a gunman who killed many before committing suicide. The other Champs arrive just behind him but he brushes off their support and rushes to Mount Sinai Hospital where as Miles he finds his friends Ganke Lee (who knows his secret ID) and Barbara Rodriguez (his girlfriend). Another friend Fabio Medina (ex-X-Men student Goldballs) is in surgery. They pray with Fabio's aunt.
12 days later the students return to the Academy. Meanwhile at Kamala Khan's Coles Academic High School they have an active shooter drill (we see various members of the Ms Marvel cast). Miles attends grief counselling where he expresses guilt but of course can't say that as a superhero he could have stopped the gunman (who was a student at the school).
Later as Miles does the whole questioning the point of being Spider-Man bit, Kamala as Ms Marvel finds him (using sightings on the website of his obsessive fan Danika Hart). Apparently he's been avoiding team meetings. She commiserates with him. The whole team want to stop such massacres from happening again, and they each have their own way of coping with the fact that they can't. Her only message for him is the choice of hope over despair.
Next morning he meets the others in a park in civvies. (Amadeus Cho has to hide his features because as Brawn he's now permanently tall and green.) They meet Fabio in a wheelchair with his family. They all attend a rally under the sign "We will prevail".
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Barbara Rodriguez, Brawn (
Amadeus Cho), Ganke Lee, Goldballs (