Iron Man (1968 series) #264 synopsis by
T Vernon
The news media is wondering what happened to Iron Man, who has not been seen since he battled the Living Laser several days earlier; Tony Stark has issued a vague statement to the press that everything is almost back to normal. Meanwhile, Tony is still trapped inside the armor, his only defense against the mystery villains who have control of his body. The public Tony it turns out, was James Rhodes (Rhodey) using an image inducer. Tony has to find a way around this problem in order to settle the strike with his workers....
Elsewhere, Kearson DeWitt lashes out at his staff who claim to be controlling Tony Stark's body yet the videotaped statement on TV shows otherwise. DeWitt will have his revenge....
In China, the Chinese leaders meet with the Mandarin who tells them that he wants control of all China, holding the threat of Fin Fang Foom over their heads....
Striking workers crowd the gates of Stark Industries and Rhodey goes out to see what they want. Union leader Henderson threatens violence unless Tony Stark meets with them in person. One of the workers crashes his truck through the gates, narrowly missing Rhodey; he also throws a Molotov Cocktail creating a fire. Tony, in his Iron Man armor is compelled to go out and put out the blaze. The trucker tries to run Shellhead down so he smashes the truck to pieces. The angry strikers pour through the gates and Iron Man is forced to cut an unbridgeable trench between the strikers and the factory buildings. Then Tony has a heart attack and Iron Man drops from the sky....
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Chen Hsu, Kearson DeWitt.