Iron Man 2.0 is fighting another of Palmer Addley's robots, this time in Dubai. Suzi Endo is back advising him remotely (after indicating she didn't want the job in #2 and #7.1). He has to keep the robot busy while Suzi tracks the transmission controlling it. She directs a SWAT team to a suburban house in Ann Arbor. Jim Rhodes destroys the robot, but all they find in the house is a mother and 2 kids.
Judith Brickley is taken to Mackelroy army base, where Jim's co-workers Ernst Hoyer and Mike Zelinsky can't believe she's got anything to do with Addley's terrorist activities. They ask her about him anyway, but she just keeps demanding to see her kids and a lawyer. (But we know she's the woman from #1 who had an operation and later built a robot in her garage.)
Iron Man 2.0 gets back and takes over the interrogation. Purely incidentally Judith tells him she's an organ donor. This rings a bell, because Addley was an organ donor too. It also turns out that Ms Brickley was an organ recipient too, 6 months ago when Addley committed suicide. They jump to the conclusion that Palmer Addley somehow smuggled his consciousness out of the secure facility he was in, hidden inside his donated organs! And he's partially taken over Judith's brain, making her do things she's not aware of.
They also conclude that Addley's now somehow spread like a virus all over the globe, where his secret inventions are being used by random terrorists. And even as they speak, their boss Gen'l Babbage is seeing more terrorist acts happening all over the world.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Ernst Hoyer, Mike Zelinsky, Suzi Endo.
General Babbage.