The Universe stands at the verge of destruction. Giants, Trolls, and Demons attack Asgard. The Warriors Three battle them. On Earth, panic reigns. Thor, now realizing Infinity's true form, determines to fight to the end and prevent Infinity and Odin from merging.
Meanwhile, Karnilla and Loki join their magics to temporarily hurl Infinity away from Odin. Thor has Karnilla merge his power with Sif, Balder, the Warriors Three and Heimdall and place it within Mjolnir. Thor tosses his hammer and it strikes and wakens Odin, preventing the merging. With his new found self-awareness, Odin drives Infinity off and reclaims his power.
Back in Asgard, Odin uses his power scepter to return the Universe to normal, depriving all mortals of their memories of the events. Odin returns the Odinsword to its shealth, but tells Thor that, because he has evaded Hela, she will seek Thor's life in his place.