The adventure on Midgard over, the Norse gods consider returning
to Asgard. The Warriors Three would like to stay to see more of this world but
Thor convinces them they would be miserable; thus, Odin transports them,
Balder, and Heimdall home. Thor then discovers that Sif has chosen to remain
behind as she and Thor are betrothed and this is the only way they can be
together. Thor agrees then takes her to his apartment/office and tells her to
stay there until Donald Blake’s working day is over….
Meanwhile at the electronics show at McCormick Place, a new
videogame called Megatak is about to make its debut; industrial spy Gregory
Nettles is under orders to steal the chips to the new game. Nettles offers the
model dressed as the game’s main character big bucks and takes his place, using
the disguise to sneak behind the scenes for the chips. While he is back there,
the host turns on the game and Nettles is sucked into the machine….
At the office, a bored Sif can’t understand why Thor would
want to disguise himself as a human and serve others. Wondering why Sif did not
revert to her Jane Foster form, Don gets a call from Dr. Shawna Lynde inviting
him to the electronics convention; Don declines due to a busy schedule but Sif
overhears and storms out, taking Don’s suggestion to go shopping for new
clothes. At a fancy store, Sif quickly become offended by the clerk’s attempts
to measure her and walks out, intending to go to the electronics show to check
out Shawna Lynde. Some construction workers get fresh with her and she wraps
them up in steel pipe….
At the show, Megatak bursts out of the game, able to control
electronic energy and he brings other videogame menaces to life and has them
attack the crowd. Sif arrives and starts fighting the video monsters and Thor,
who heard about the chaos over the office radio, shows up and orders Sif onto
crowd control while he battles the villain. Thor blasts Megatak with an excess
of electricity then siphons it off, leaving his foe unconscious. Sif likes this
whole protecting mortal thing and sees a nice future together for them. But Thor
spies that Shawna Lynde is injured and, as Don Blake, he goes to her aid. Sif
sees how they are around each other and seethes with jealousy….