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Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15

Jim Starlin | Angel Medina

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15 cover

Story Name:



Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4 stars
Adam Warlock has been in a coma since the end of Infinity War, but now Eternity seeks to wake him. However Adam doesn't want to, but he then appears on a slab (of ice?) floating on an ocean. Eternity says the slab is a bit of his ego and the ocean is the vastness of his soul. Warlock complains that he was content to be asleep but Eternity says the universe (ie himself) still needs him. Adam says he's seen the Magus that still awaits as his future, so the universe is better off if he stays in a coma.

Eternity claims that there are major events afoot which will need his presence to prevent them ending badly. AW says he's done more than enough saving reality, let someone else play hero. Since the Living Tribunal decreed that the 6 Infinity Gems could no longer be used all together they have become less of an object of villainous desire. So his appointed task is finished.

But Eternity can't let him rest. He calls up Warlock's prior versions onto the ice floe:- The original Him. The being the High Evolutionary named Adam Warlock and appointed to save Counter-Earth. The suicidal paranoid who fought Magus' Universal Church Of Truth. And the evil future version Magus. Eternity claims that Adam has tried to deny these aspects of himself, but they are what makes him his current self.

Cue a brief history lesson:- As the perfect man created by scientists Him gave Adam his 1st taste of life and love. The childlike superhuman fell in lust with Sif and kidnapped her until enraged Thor's beating caused him to retreat back into the cocoon that birthed him. The heroic Warlock saved Counter-Earth from the Man-Beast, but current Warlock points out he had to die there (and be reborn in his cocoon). And it didn't stop the planet being destroyed later. His later cynical incarnation saved the Galaxy from his future self Magus, but via a bit of time-travel helped himself commit suicide. But current Adam reminds them that he was really taken into Soul World (within his Soul Gem) and found peace and contentment. However he gave that up to be reborn yet again to counter Thanos in Infinity Gauntlet. And now he declares no more.

Eternity claims that there are cosmic menaces from the 'outer edge of reality' coming to cause chaos. Warlock repeats that leaving his coma might unleash Magus. A mere 'shade' of him nearly corrupted the universe in Infinity War. Magus says that Adam is destined to eventually give way to his evil side, and Eternity adds that Magus could even prevail in Adam's coma. To Warlock that only leaves him with the option of *real* death. Eternity counters that Adam can build up his defences. Adam says he has the Infinity Watch by his side, but Eternity has a better idea ...

... he says that Adam must reintegrate these 4 fragments of his soul, even the Magus, to make it stronger. Warlock flat out refuses but Eternity won't take no for an answer and he sends the 4 to assault the 1. AW struggles mightily but Eternity says it's futile. Becoming the Magus is the *only* way to avoid his heroic destiny, and that surely Adam will not do. He still resists and pleads with Eternity but eventually the fragments merge with him (seeming to leave skeletons behind).

Warlock falls but then rises again. He now tells Eternity he can see that this was necessary but he still won't forgive him. Eternity cares not, he just wants Adam to reassume his unique position as a man not constrained by the cosmic dualities. He bows neither to Chaos nor Order, champions neither Life or Death and is beyond Good and Evil. And Eternity leaves him a parting gift - a large glowing crystal orb (which will be known as the Orb Of Eternity). He also warns him of 5 beings he will soon encounter:- 1 in need of a soul. 1 entangled in a web of past and future woes. 1 who will touch his heart. 1 whose trust he will betray. And the last is the terrible good within him.

Then Adam wakes from his coma surrounded by Drax, Gamora, Moondragon and Pip. He believes this issue was all a dream but Moondragon senses changes in him. And then he sees the crystal orb waiting for him, and the others don't know how it got there.

Good (or All)

> Warlock and the Infinity Watch comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Angel Medina
Bob Almond
Ian Laughlin
Angel Medina (Cover Penciler)
Bob Almond (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Jack Morelli.
Editor: Craig Anderson. Editor-in-chief: Tom DeFalco.

Review / Commentaries

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15 Review by (February 11, 2022)
The relationship between Adam Warlock and Magus is complicated and will get even more so in later comics.
The original Magus in Warlock's Strange Tales issues and his restarted own series was Warlock's evil future self. In W#11 Adam used time travel to 'kill' his future self in Avengers Annual #7, thus negating the existence of Magus. In fact AW had been taken into Soul World within his Soul Gem for a happy afterlife (until he returned to reality to oppose the reborn Thanos),
At the end of Infinity Gauntlet when Adam was a god with the combined Infinity Gems he purged himself of both his good and evil sides to become perfectly rational. The Magus of Infinity War was that evil side. At the end of IW Warlock confined him in Soul World as an ineffectual soulless wraith. (His good side will turn up as Goddess in Infinity Crusade.)
The Magus here isn't either of these. He's merely a symbol of Adam's past like Warlock's other 'selves'. The integration here is Adam accepting his past, so I think he isn't reabsorbing his evil side which remains in Soul World (as will be seen at the end of IC).

Who are the people Eternity predicts?
The most obvious 1 is the terrible good which is the Goddess in IC.
The 1 without a soul is last issue's Count Abyss.
The 1 who will touch Adam's heart is Maya, also from last issue.
The 1 entangled in a web of past and future woes will be Maxam (who Gamora had a vision of in #12).
The 1 whose trust Adam will betray will probably be Maya's husband Darklore.

Eternity will go straight from here in IC#1.
But before next issue the regular gang will appear in the Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection mini-series (by Jim Starlin again) where they will rescue Shalla-Bal from her death in the recent SS: Homecoming.


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