Comic Book: Captain America (1996 series)

Volume 2: As part of Marvel's HEROES REBORN initiative, Cap's series was rebooted under Image Comics creator Rob Liefeld for a thirteen issue run.

Data Sheet:
Nov 1996 to Nov 1997

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Nick Fury
Nick Fury

(Nicholas Fury)

(Sam Wilson)
Plus: Bucky (Rikki Barnes).

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 13

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America #1
Captain America #1
3 stars

Captain America #1

November 1996
Script: Jeph Loeb
Steve Rogers awakens from a deep sleep. He has a recurring nightmare, one in which he is fighting Nazis during World War II. He's unsure what to make of it. He knows that it's impossible given his age and the decades separating the war from the present day. [...]
Captain America #2
Captain America #2
3 stars

Captain America #2

December 1996
Script: Jeph Loeb
Steve Rogers returns home from his battle with Master Man's soldiers to check on his family. As he enters his house, his wife Peg and son Rick are unresponsive and seem frozen in place.Nick Fury steps forward to calm down the agitated Steve Rogers. [...]
Captain America #3
Captain America #3
2 stars

Captain America #3

January 1997
Script: Jeph Loeb
1945, The Oval Office. Captain America meets with President Harry Truman following the victory in Germany. He informs Cap that due to the expected loss of life needed to win the war against Japan, they have dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima. [...]
Captain America #4
Captain America #4
2 stars

Captain America #4

February 1997
Script: Jeph Loeb
Rikki Barnes breaks into the headquarters of the World Party looking for her misguided brother John. She overhears some of the mercenaries state that Captain America was captured and brought back here. While looking around, she is found by John and his friend Gus, who threaten to kill her. [...]
Captain America #5
Captain America #5
1 stars

Captain America #5

March 1997
Script: Jeph Loeb
Following the tracking device they embedded in Captain America's costume, the S.H.I.E.L.D. heli-carrier arrives at the World Party headquarters. Nick Fury prepares his agents for the upcoming battle against the group of neo-Nazis. [...]
Captain America #6
Captain America #6
1 stars

Captain America #6

April 1997
Script: Jeph Loeb
While searching for clues to the location of his mentor Blacquesmith, Cable inadvertently triggers a temporal device that sends him into the Heroes Reborn universe. [...]
Captain America #7
Captain America #7
4 stars

Captain America #7

May 1997
Script: James Robinson
Nick Fury and Valentina de la Fontaine are brought into the Oval Office. The President has called them in because he wants to know the true facts behind the legend of Captain America.They explain to the Commander-In-Chief how Captain America came to be. [...]
Captain America #8
Captain America #8
3 stars

Captain America #8

June 1997
"Serpents & Eagles Part 1/4: A First Small Hisssss"
Script: James Robinson
Steve Rogers informs Rikki Barnes that he will be on an extended leave. He plans to travel the country and try to find a connection with modern-day America. If he can find it, he will resume his duties as Captain America. If not he'll deal with that when the time comes. [...]
Captain America #9
Captain America #9
3 stars

Captain America #9

July 1997
"Serpents & Eagles Pt. 2/4: Horror For Hollywood "
Script: James Robinson
Cap's pursuit of the Sons of the Serpent leads him from Texas to Arizona to Hollywood, California. After he helps capture a gang of Serpents, the local police force arrives to arrest them. [...]
Captain America #10
Captain America #10
3 stars

Captain America #10

August 1997
"Serpents & Eagles Pt. 3/4: Capital Punishment"
Script: James Robinson
Captain America reaches Washington DC and meets with Sam Wilson. Thanks to the emergency blood transfusion, Sam Wilson has gained a small portion of the super-solider serum and has become a super-hero code-named Falcon. He sends him on a mission to find the Sons of the Serpent HQ. [...]
Captain America #11
Captain America #11
3 stars

Captain America #11

September 1997
"Snakes & Eagles Pt. 4/4: Into The Snake Pit"
Script: James Robinson
Rikki Barnes follows her instincts and breaks into the restricted area of the heli-carrier and finds the answer the a large number of problems. In Washington, D.C. Nick Fury prepares to give the order to attack the city. Captain America boldly enters the room to confront Fury. [...]
Captain America #12
Captain America #12
3 stars

Captain America #12

October 1997
"Heroes Reunited Pt. 4/4: Let It Be"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Story continued from IRON MAN Vol.2 #12.Rikki Barnes returns to her grandparents house in Philadelphia. When she sees that the windows have been shattered, she rushes inside only to find Dr. Doom waiting for her. He informs the spunky teenager that the world will die in the next 24 hours. [...]
Captain America #13
Captain America #13
3 stars

Captain America #13

November 1997
"World War 3, Part 4: War without End..."
Script: James Robinson
Continued from IRON MAN Vol.2 #13Captain America leads the remaining superheroes and the American military in their assault on Latveria. Their attack is coordinated with Mr. Fantastic's mission into the Negative Zone to destroy both halves of Dr. [...]


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