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Captain America (1996 series) #12

Jeph Loeb | Joe Bennett

Captain America (1996 series) #12 cover

Story Name:

Heroes Reunited Pt. 4/4: Let It Be


Captain America (1996 series) #12 synopsis by Kevin Hollander
Rating: 3 stars
Story continued from IRON MAN Vol.2 #12.

Rikki Barnes returns to her grandparents house in Philadelphia. When she sees that the windows have been shattered, she rushes inside only to find Dr. Doom waiting for her. He informs the spunky teenager that the world will die in the next 24 hours. From the S.H.I.E.L.D. files he stole, she is an chronal anomaly and somehow the key to saving the world.

Captain America appears and asks Doom to explain his actions. Doom complies only because time is limited. The Fantastic Four are currently battling four of the heralds of Galactus (Firelord, Terrax, Plasma, and Air Walker) in Central Park. If they fall, the world will share their fate. Doom, Cap, Rikki, and the Avengers appear and help defeat Galactus' emissaries.

Avengers' Mansion: Doom, Pym, Richards, Banner, and Stark gather in a conference room to discuss their options. Doom explains to his intellectual peers that he has been able to make a chronal leap backward three times so far. There will not be a fourth leap as his equipment has been severely damaged and can't risk it. Each time, their efforts to defeat Galactus have failed. This is Earth's final stand. Banner makes the suggestion that they create a device that will overload Galactus' internal energy conversion processes.

While the big brains to finish their "ultimate nullifier", the other heroes pass the time as best they can. Cap notices a change in his usually perky sidekick and keeps a close watch on her. In truth, Rikki Barnes is uncharacteristically quiet; she's still haunted by Doom's claim she is a chronal anomaly. Unsure what her role in this is, she walks out to the balcony where she meets the Silver Surfer, Galactus' favorite herald. He has come to warn them that Galactus can't be stopped. Instead of fighting it, they should try to evacuate the planet.

Rikki takes offense to his defeatist attitude concerning their efforts. She asks why he doesn't help if he's so concerned about the fate of humanity. The Surfer dismisses her comment as youthful ignorance and returns to Galactus. Rikki isn't through talking and grabs the Surfer's board as he leaves. Having observed this encounter, Cap is still surprised that she'd do something this impulsive. Hopping aboard a flying motorcycle, he chases after them, imploring Rikki to drop off.

Galactus observes this and takes offense at any creature touching his property. He strikes Rikki with bolts of energy originating from his eyes, hitting her full force. She releases her grip and plunges into the water like a rock. Cap dives in after her. Galactus instructs his herald to continue the preparations. The Surfer is particularly struck by what just transpired.

Back inside Avenger's Manion, Cap returns with a wounded Rikki Barnes. While the other Avengers promise to get her immediate medical attention, Cap turns his anger toward Galactus. Richards explains that their weapon will work, but the one who wields it, must be able to survive the process. While the most powerful heroes volunteer, the Silver Surfer appears and tells them that he will help them defeat his master.

The heroes return to the Baxter Building where they chanel their power through Thor's hammer Mjolnir to the ultimate nullifier. The Surfer attacks Galactus and disintegrates his corporeal form. The process kills the Silver Surfer as well.

Days later, Cap arrives in Arlington to pay his respects to Abraham Wilson. He hopes that he has honored the sacrifice Wilson made. Minutes later Nick Fury appears with Richard and Peggy Barnes, Rikki's grandparents. They inform Cap that Rikki will make a full recovery.

Fury pulls Cap aside and makes a small confession. The story about his disagreement with the President was a lie fabricated to get him back into costume. Cap states that he knew all along and rides away on his motorcycle.

Good (or All)
Plus: Bucky (Rikki Barnes).

Plus: Air Walker, Plasma.

> Captain America (1996 series) comic book info and issue index

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Main/1st Story Full Credits

Joe Bennett
Homage Studios
Wildstorm FX

Review / Commentaries

Captain America (1996 series) #12 Review by (July 13, 2010)
Comment: A few slips here and there but overall this is what they should have been doing all along. I felt a bit let down when Fury revealed that Cap was intentionally misinformed about his final “disagreement” with Truman. This is could have been done in a more convincing manner... or perhaps not at all since this doesn't count.


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