Comic Book: Captain America (2002 series)

Volume 4: in the wake of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks, America was left reeling by the uncertainties of the modern world, and Cap's title was restarted to reflect those times, in this controversial series by Rieber and Cassaday.

Data Sheet:
Jun 2002 to Dec 2004

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Nick Fury
Nick Fury

(Nicholas Fury)

Red Skull
Red Skull

(Johann Shmidt)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 32

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America #1
Captain America #1
3 stars

Captain America #1

June 2002
"Dust: Enemy, Chapter One"
Script: John Ney Rieber
In the days following the September 11 (2001) terrorist attacks on America, Steve Rogers is working as part of the team sifting through the rubble of the World Trade Center, searching for survivors. [...]
Captain America #2
Captain America #2
3 stars

Captain America #2

July 2002
"One Nation: Enemy, Chapter Two"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Outside Centerville, TV reporter Jessica Seldon is taken hostage by a masked terrorist…. Later Nick Fury informs Captain America that half of the town’s 600 residents are being held in the church…. [...]
Captain America #3
Captain America #3
3 stars

Captain America #3

August 2002
"Soft Targets: Enemy, Chapter Three"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Easter Sunday in Centerville: the terrorist have taken hostages in church because of the local industry, a munitions factory. Outside, Captain America is confronted by four Arab children, each with a transmitter broadcasting the message of terrorist leader al-Tariq. [...]
Captain America #4
Captain America #4
3 stars

Captain America #4

September 2002
"(No title given: Warlords Part One)"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Fourth of July: with Captain America having revealed his face on live television, Secretary Dahl pronounces him compromised and useless to the American government. Nick Fury defends Cap as a survivor. A call alerts them that Cap is on his way down to see Fury and nothing will stop him. [...]
Captain America #5
Captain America #5
3 stars

Captain America #5

October 2002
"Above the Law: Warlords Part Two"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Many in the crowd at the Riverside Park July Fourth celebration witnessed Captain America’s fiery plunge into the Potomac and called the authorities. The terrorists rushed down to the riverbank to search for the hero’s body but Cap surprises them and launches into them, fists and shield in action. [...]
Captain America #6
Captain America #6
3 stars

Captain America #6

December 2002
"(No title given: Warlords Part Three)"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Steve Rogers uses his shield to protect himself as the government building, site of a bombing, collapses around him. Donning his Captain America costume, he cuts his way out of the rubble to confront the terrorist responsible. [...]
Captain America #7
Captain America #7
3 stars

Captain America #7

February 2003
Script: John Ney Rieber
Steve Rogers dreams that he is Captain America, trapped for decades beneath the ice, watching the events of the world pass him by until he finally smashes his way out…then he awakens to the sounds of violence outside. Seizing his shield he leaps from the window and overpowers two muggers. [...]
Captain America #8
Captain America #8
3 stars

Captain America #8

March 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: John Ney Rieber
In Washington, Inali Redpath reflects on Lincoln’s words at Gettysburg and wonders whether Lincoln had forgotten that his people stole the land from the native inhabitants. He calls Samantha Twotrees, reveals he is still alive and asks for Captain America. [...]
Captain America #9
Captain America #9
3 stars

Captain America #9

April 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: John Ney Rieber
Inali Redpath explains to Captain America he has just immobilized Barricade’s men and killed their leader. He also asks Cap why he has never been bothered by reporters even thought his identity is now public. Cap rejects Inali’s overture of friendship, claiming he is not a friend of a murderer. [...]
Captain America #10
Captain America #10
3 stars

Captain America #10

May 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
Having imbibed the bitters of a Native American vision quest, Captain America is hallucinating on the beach near the devastated city of Miami. He sees the concerned crowd as figures from his past, mainly enemies, and lashes out, injuring the innocent. [...]
Captain America #11
Captain America #11
3 stars

Captain America #11

May 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
Captain America and Nick Fury plot strategy on how to take down Inali Redpath, who is using the powers of the Sioux storm god to devastate Miami. Cap has called in the big gun: the Mighty Thor, God of Thunder. [...]
Captain America #12
Captain America #12
3 stars

Captain America #12

June 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
In his New York neighborhood, Steve Rogers demonstrates to a boy the proper way to take down the flag, the symbol of the country’s ideal. But as Captain America, he finds it difficult to explain that ideal when the nation’s leaders have corrupted it for their own ends. [...]
Captain America #13
Captain America #13
3 stars

Captain America #13

July 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
Hana, the Atlantean who met Captain America in issue #10, knocks at Steve Rogers’ door. Getting no answer she breaks in and finds Cap in tears, having viewed the films and other evidence (sent to him anonymously) that the US government deliberately froze him in the ice near the end of the war. [...]
Captain America #14
Captain America #14
3 stars

Captain America #14

August 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
Hana relates to Captain America the story of the Interrogator: blind, deaf, and mute save what he experiences through his cyborg hand, he wanted Hana (then the Atlantean ambassador to Lemuria) to capture Captain America for him. [...]
Captain America #15
Captain America #15
3 stars

Captain America #15

September 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
As Captain America and Hana fly to Lemuria, he ponders the implications of the conspiracy theory he has generated and wonders if Bucky’s death was likewise deliberate…. They dive into the ocean and come up in an underwater grotto, an air-filled environment for the human Interrogator. [...]
Captain America #16
Captain America #16
3 stars

Captain America #16

October 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Chuck Austen
Captain America kneels over the body of the murdered Hana as the Interrogator questions him about his feelings. Cap responds by punching out the villain and leaving with Hana’s body. [...]
Captain America #17
Captain America #17
5 stars

Captain America #17

November 2003
"(No title given)"
Script: Dave Gibbons
The North Atlantic, March 1964: a Nazi submarine recovers a man frozen in a block of ice, floating in the water. Taken aboard the sub, Captain America is revived and sees he is surrounded by Nazis and with his last thought being of Bucky’s death, starts fighting them. [...]
Captain America #18
Captain America #18
5 stars

Captain America #18

November 2003
"Captain America Lives Again! Chapter Two"
Script: Dave Gibbons
In a Nazi-ruled alternate history: escaping the Nazis by leaping from a window high in the Empire State Building, Captain America lands atop a huge dirigible. The Red Skull orders his soldiers to open fire, causing the hydrogen-filled aircraft to explode and crash to the street below. [...]
Captain America #19
Captain America #19
5 stars

Captain America #19

December 2003
"Captain America Lives Again! Chapter Three"
Script: Dave Gibbons
In a Nazi-ruled alternate history: Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm lead Captain America to the secret headquarters of the resistance movement. They are met in the tunnel by Rick Jones and Jarvis who escort them into the main meeting place. [...]
Captain America #20
Captain America #20
5 stars

Captain America #20

January 2004
"Captain America Lives Again! Chapter Four"
Script: Dave Gibbons
In a Nazi-ruled alternate history: the rebels assaulting the front gate of Stark Industries are pinned down by enemy fire when Captain America arrives to take out the machine gun nest and lead the resistance into the complex. [...]
Captain America #21
Captain America #21
3 stars

Captain America #21

February 2004
"Homeland, Part One"
Script: Robert Morales
In the Florida Everglades, Captain America confronts a gang of local men who are holding several illegal immigrant women in sexual slavery. Announcing that they are surrounded by federal and county lawmen, Cap orders them to surrender their weapons. [...]
Captain America #22
Captain America #22
3 stars

Captain America #22

March 2004
"Homeland, Part Two"
Script: Robert Morales
Steve Rogers accompanies Rebecca Quan to a gallery for a show by artist Paige Rand. The show turns out to be a skewering of superheroes with a major piece being a grotesque mannequin of Captain America, wrapped in the flag and barbed wire, hung from a wall. [...]


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