Comic Book: Weapon X (2017 series)

A third series for the notorious weapons program features Old Man Logan, Domino, Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, and Warpath. Noted for "Weapons of Mutant Destruction," a crossover with TOTALLY AWESOME HULK, and the introduction of Weapon H.

Data Sheet:
Apr 2017 to Dec 2018

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Weapon X #4
Weapon X #4

(Jun 2017)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 3

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Weapon X #4
4.5 stars

Weapon X #4

June 2017
"(No title given)"
Script: Greg Pak
Story continues from TOTALLY AWESOME HULK #19. Hulk (Amadeus Cho) shows his teammates the layout of the Weapon X lab in a Roxxon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico: they are trying to save Lady Deathstrike, capture the scientists, and smash the Weapon X cyborgs. [...]
Weapon X #5
4 stars

Weapon X #5

July 2017
"W.M.D. Weapons of Mutant Destruction Part 3"
Script: Greg Pak
Story continues from TOTALLY AWESOME HULK #20. In Serenity Hills, Texas, a little girl sees a dead rat in the house and her mother is unnerved. Then Mom (Jennifer) goes to work at the local science lab where Weapon X has her testing cyborg rats…. [...]
Weapon X #6
4 stars

Weapon X #6

July 2017
"W.M.D. Weapons of Mutant Destruction Part 5"
Script: Greg Pak
Story continues from TOTALLY AWESOME HULK #21. Amadeus Cho and his team (Old Man Logan, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, Domino, Warpath) arrive at the front gate of the Weapon X facility in Serenity Hills, Texas, and threaten the guard not to alert anyone. [...]
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