One morning Steve Rogers is having breakfast in Anna Kappelbaum’s kitchen along with pals Josh Cooper and Mike Farrel. The landlady gives Steve some advice about his awkward relationship with Bernie Rosenthal, and she becomes quite upset hearing about Neo-Nazis in the news. Steve lectures on the meaning of freedom and Bernie walks in; she and Steve apologize for their behavior over the impromptu "I love you" last issue. Steve has to run though….
He dons his Captain America togs and heads to Madison Square garden by bike to join Team America, a band of daredevil motorcycle showmen, for a charity gig. Everything goes well until a portal opens up in mid-air and a yellow giant steps out, seizes scientist Alfred Knopfler, and vanishes whence he came. As the portal closes Cap rides his cycle through, followed by Team America. The heroes find themselves teleported to a stereotypical small Midwestern town called Ponder; exploring, they encounter Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, and, on arrival at the town hall, many other great thinkers through the ages. The host then arrives—it’s the Mad Thinker. Team America fights the yellow android but are no match for the creature; Cap then takes it down with a shield blow to the back of the neck. The Thinker explains that he has created this village and peopled it with android replicas of great figures to stimulate his intellect now that he is retiring from crime. The catch is, he is also kidnapping contemporary brains to create androids of—and Captain America will soon join them. Cap is swiftly captured—but suddenly a black-clad biker called the Marauder crashes into the room, wrecks the scientific equipment and disappears. Team America then rushes in to fight the androids and defeat the Mad Thinker. Soon, Nick Fury arrives with a SHIELD mop-up team and the heroes go their separate ways….