The story opens in a remote area of the New Mexico desert with Captain America and Hawkeye in battle with troops from the Archstone private security firm. The fracas is halted by Kashmir "Kash" Vennema, official at the Damocles Research Facility, on whose grounds the heroes are trespassing. Cap explains that they are looking for a group of environmentalists who vanished from the area. Kash explains that her team was also searching for the missing scientists when the chance encounter turned violent. Kash takes the two heroes to the Damocles building where she explains how they are researching energy and space flight issues. They also have a large collection of dinosaur bones discovered in the area….
At the lab, they find Dr. Henry Reese examining the corpse of a giant spider-like creature. He and Kash explain how the dead "bug" was once one of the security guards, Scott Samson, who was carried off in a mysterious raid, then returned in his morphed form as an attacker. Kash shows the heroes to the entrance to the storage room where the invaders are entering. Despite their suspicions of the glib and charming Kash, Cap and Hawkeye descend into the cavern where they almost immediately encounter a large reptilian creature with writhing tendrils. They give battle and Cap manages to hold the beast long enough for Hawkeye to dispatch it with explosive arrows. The problem? The sound of the blast brings more of the monsters….