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Daredevil (1964 series) #161

Roger McKenzie | Frank Miller

Daredevil (1964 series) #161 cover

Story Name:

To Dare the Devil


Daredevil (1964 series) #161 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

At Coney Island, Turk frantically runs to Eric Slaughter and his men, telling them that Daredevil is coming after them. Slaughter chastises Turk for stupidly leading Daredevil right to them and DD jumps down to easily take care of Slaughter’s men. Daredevil then hears the astrotower rising behind him. Despite knowing it’s a trap, he climbs up the tower, until the ride shoots down to squash him. Not only that, but there are also gunmen on the nearby rollercoaster keeping him pinned down. DD takes a daring leap and swings his way to safety, when Bullseye taunts him over the loudspeakers and points out Black Widow tied to the rollercoaster, ready to be barreled over by the ride!

Daredevil makes his way over to Widow as Slaughter’s men continue to shoot at him. Daredevil gets close to rescuing Widow and then swings right past, having realized it was a trap. The ride slams into the now clearly fake Black Widow dummy, while in the arcade, Bullseye curses that his plan didn’t work. He ties Black Widow to a circus board while a knife-thrower named Cutter toys with her, purposely missing his throws by mere centimeters. Meanwhile, Ben Urich visits the gym Jack Murdock used to train at, asking questions. He talks to the old janitor and learns all of the details he can about Jack and how he was killed after refusing to throw a boxing match. The final bit of info that confirms his suspicions is learning of the nickname the other kids used to tease Matt with when he was a kid: Daredevil!

Back at Coney Island, Daredevil interrogates Turk and learns Bullseye is in the arcade. There, Bullseye orders Cutter to finish off Natasha, but she pulls some fancy moves to trick him into throwing his knife so that it cuts her bonds! Natasha deals with the grunts while Daredevil arrives and angrily lays into Bullseye. Bullseye keeps Daredevil at a distance with expertly thrown baseballs, even catching Daredevil’s own billy club and using it against him. Despite this, Daredevil refuses to give up and turns the tables. Bullseye ends up with a gun pointed at Daredevil, but Daredevil notices his fear and psyches Bullseye out, taunting him that this hasn’t worked before and won’t now. Bullseye panics and demands that Slaughter and his men finish off the heroes. Slaughter, however, states that Daredevil has earned his respect and Bullseye cracks up, devolving into a broken, muttering mess. Daredevil and Widow take Bullseye into custody, while promising things will be different with Slaughter next time they meet!

Good (or All)

Plus: Eric Slaughter.

> Daredevil (1964 series) comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Frank Miller
Klaus Janson
Glynis Wein
Frank Miller (Cover Penciler)
Klaus Janson (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Diana Albers.

Review / Commentaries

Daredevil (1964 series) #161 Review by (December 18, 2024)

Review: Daredevil and Bullseye have an epic showdown at Coney Island! Daredevil vs Bullseye fights are always a treat for the eyes, and this issue is no different, as Miller continues elevating each issue with his fantastically dynamic action scenes! This issue is short and simple, mostly comprised of Daredevil avoiding traps and fighting Bullseye when he goes to save Natasha. There are a couple of notable things about this issue that always struck me as odd however. The first of these is the fact that Bullseye has someone named Cutter with him this issue, throwing knives at a tied-up Natasha to toy with her. She ends up tricking him into freeing her, which is the only reason I can think of for why Bullseye tasked this random other guy with killing Black Widow instead of doing it himself. Bullseye wouldn’t have missed (or so he probably would say).

The second oddity involves the climax of the fight between Daredevil and Bullseye. After overcoming the odds, Daredevil is able to psych out Bullseye, devolving him into a nervous, muttering wreck. It’s a weird sequence and feels out of character for Bullseye. He’s usually much more confident in his abilities and him cracking up at the end feels a bit out of nowhere. Miller thought so too, as he gives an explanation for this next time Bullseye appears when he’s the writer, and then promptly dismisses it at the end. Said issue is amazing however, so we at least have this issue to thank for it!

Comments: The objects Bullseye uses as weapons this issue include baseballs and Daredevil’s own billy club (a much shorter list than last issue).


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